New Mexico State University Global Campus, the online campus of NMSU, has launched a new outreach campaign targeting the nearly 302,000 adults in the state who have some college credits but no degree.

The campaign aims to inform these individuals that they can return to school and utilize the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship to complete their first undergraduate degree tuition-free. By enrolling in one of the flexible online bachelor's programs at NMSU Global, they can also fit school into their schedules more easily.

"Many people think that free college scholarships are only for recent high school graduates, but that's not the case," said Alyssa Lockman, marketing manager at NMSU Global Campus. "The Opportunity Scholarship can help New Mexico residents get their first degree tuition-free, even if they've been out of school for a long time."

The New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship simplifies the financial aid process and bypasses potential delays in receiving federal tuition support. Eligible students are awarded this scholarship automatically, with their college or university handling all the paperwork when they enroll.

"Our goal is to make sure that adults with previously earned college credits understand that going back to school is a real possibility," Lockman said. "We're offering timely guidance on how these individuals can complete their bachelor's degree without barriers like cost and scheduling."

"We understand that life happens, and many people start their college journey but aren't able to complete it," said Sherry Kollmann, chancellor of NMSU Global Campus. "Their previous experience has value and we are here to reassure these individuals that with the right support and flexible options, finishing their degree is possible."

NMSU Global Campus offers a wide range of online programs and wraparound support services that cater to the needs of adult learners. With 100% online coursework, students have the flexibility to study when it fits their schedule, making it easier to balance their education with their other life commitments. The ongoing outreach campaign includes targeted communications through mail, email, and social media to increase awareness among eligible New Mexicans about how to fund and finish their first degree.

For more information about NMSU Global Campus, visit / or email .

NMSU Global Campus is the online campus of NMSU, offering a wide range of high-quality online degree programs and microlearning courses designed to meet the needs of working professionals and lifelong learners. With a commitment to excellence in education and a focus on innovation, NMSU Global Campus empowers students to achieve their academic and career goals in a flexible and accessible learning environment.The full article can be seen at

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