WHAT: La Sociedad para Las Artes at New Mexico State University will host a public reading event for New Mexico Poet Laureate Lauren Camp as part of the Nelson-Boswell Reading Series, which invites visiting writers to NMSU to share their work with the community. The series is named in honor of writers Antonya Nelson and Robert Boswell, who began their teaching careers at NMSU.

WHO: Lauren Camp, an Arab American poet and as New Mexico Poet Laureate (2022 to 2025), she has been honored with a 2023 Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowship. She is the author of eight books of poetry, including "In Old Sky, Poems inspired by the Grand Canyon" (Grand Canyon Conservancy, 2024). NMSU Master of Fine Arts candidate in poetry Maxwell Griego will be reading from his thesis prior to Camp's presentation.

7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28

NMSU's Creative Media Institute Theatre in Milton Hall, room 171.

Camp and Griego will read from their respective works.