WHAT: Award-winning graphic designer to lecture at New Mexico State

Yeohyun Ahn, award-winning graphic designer, educator and

6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3

Bleachers in Devasthali Hall, 1308 University Ave.

The lecture will take place at Devasthali Hall.

About: NMSU's Department of Art will host a lecture by artist Yeohyun Ahn at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3 at the bleachers area in Devasthali Hall. The lecture will also be available on Zoom. Registration required at https://nmsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtfu-pqDMoE9UgdpNm7QUWvBRc0yC7ZI1k?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1wPPpbqILkulbgcB9aYJcAKQ5TuZKFHwHzhuRoDVw5gM4xmQEzlcwvjYI_aem_J_0EPKN01VsYFUazwd86cw#/registration

Ahn is an award-winning graphic designer, educator and researcher in collaboration with creative coding, diversity and global leadership. She leads several research projects: the interdisciplinary typography project TYPE+CODE Series; a multidisciplinary project to bring awareness to Asian female faculty in America titled Social Homelessness on U.S. campuses; and Evolving Graphic Design to bring academic diversity. Ahn received the Society of Experimental Graphic Design Educator Award in 2022. http://yeoahn.com/designandchange/pages/about/