This category will combine all universities that are not in Silver City, i.e. not WNMU, into one category under Non-Local News Releases

When this category is created, we have NMSU and ENMU that send us notices. 

NMSU’s Pitch Deck Sprint accepting applications from NM tech startups

The Scale Up New Mexico program, backed by the United States Economic Development Administration and housed at New Mexico State University's Arrowhead Center, is offering its C-Suite Sprint online accelerator specifically designed for tech startups in New Mexico.

The C-Suite Sprint is tailored for entrepreneurs and startups in New Mexico looking to strengthen their leadership teams. The program will run every Thursday from July 11 to Aug. 15. Entrepreneurs interested in participating should apply to this free accelerator by July 3 to reserve their place. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance by July 5.

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Cohort completes Scale Up NM’s Pitch Deck Sprint for tech startups

The Scale Up New Mexico program, which is partially funded by the United States Economic Development Administration and based at New Mexico State University’s Arrowhead Center, recently celebrated the completion of its second 2024 cohort's Pitch Deck Sprint accelerator program.

The accelerator initiative, aimed at equipping founders of tech startups in New Mexico with strategic assistance in refining their pitch decks and advising on their presentations, achieved notable success. It enabled promising startups to make significant progress in understanding the elements of a pitch deck, mastering the art of persuasive pitching and tailoring their presentations to diverse audiences. Throughout the sprint, more than 35 mentors shared their knowledge and feedback with participants.

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NM WRRI to host 2024 Animas and San Juan Watersheds Conference

The New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute will host the 2024 Animas and San Juan Watersheds Conference, “Water Without Borders- Four Corners, Three Rivers,” June 12-13 at the San Juan College Henderson Fine Arts Center in Farmington, New Mexico, as well as online via Zoom.  

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NMSU LGBT+ Programs celebrates Pride Month with high Campus Pride Index rating

The Office of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity’s LGBT+ Programs at New Mexico State University is kicking off Pride Month this year by being recognized for making NMSU one of the most inclusive universities in the country and most inclusive university in the area.

LGBT+ Programs is rated 4.5/5 on the Campus Pride Index, the leading national nonprofit organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create a safer college environment for LGBTQ students.

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NMSU’s KRWG earns NMBA awards for election coverage, radio station of the year

The New Mexico Broadcasters Association last week announced the winners of its 2024 Excellence in Broadcasting Awards. New Mexico State University’s KRWG public broadcasting station earned eight awards, including Station of the Year in radio for KRWG-FM.

“I'm so grateful for the dedication our team shows every day,” said Adrian Velarde, general manager of KRWG public media. “This recognition is a wonderful reminder of their incredible talent and commitment.”

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NMSU's HSI STEM Resource Hub showcases 5 years of achievements

In 2018, New Mexico State University was among the first to receive a research award under the National Science Foundation’s Hispanic Serving Institutions Program. The five-year, $2.6 million grant funded a first-if-its-kind HSI STEM Resource Hub at NMSU, in collaboration with Doña Ana Community College and California State University-Northridge.“

Student success requires a strong support system and faculty are first line supporters who hold great responsibility for student well-being and degree completion,” said Elba Serrano, NMSU Regents professor of biology, the principal investigator for the NMSU arm of the project, which over the last five years has created a network to share best practices among 450 Hispanic-serving institutions to build capacity for STEM education.

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NMSU names Mariana Ortega AVP for diversity initiatives

Following a national search, New Mexico State University announced Friday that the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity has selected Mariana Ortega as its first assistant vice president for diversity initiatives. She will begin her new role on July 15.

“Mariana brings with her extensive experience working in higher education, particularly with diversity programs and various campus and community partners,” said Teresa Maria “Linda” Scholz, NMSU’s vice president for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity. “She has a strong understanding of public institutions and will bring innovative approaches to EID work at NMSU.”

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$19.9 million NIH grant continues NMSU’s 20-plus-year leadership in biomedical research

The New Mexico IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research (NM-INBRE), housed at New Mexico State University, began in 2001 when an NMSU professor believed New Mexico was missing out on important opportunities for lack of a vehicle for collaboration between universities in the state when it came to biomedical research.

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