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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will combine all universities that are not in Silver City, i.e. not WNMU, into one category under Non-Local News Releases
When this category is created, we have NMSU and ENMU that send us notices.-?
 The largest esports tournament in New Mexico will kick off this weekend at New Mexico State University. Now in its third year, the NM State Esports Invitational is open to the community to take part in the fun.
The competitive video gaming event will take place starting at 9 a.m. Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7, at NMSU's Corbett Center Student Union. The diverse tournament lineup includes a range of popular titles, including "League of Legends," "Mario Kart 8," "Rocket League," "Splatoon 3," "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate," and "Valorant." Â
New Mexico State University's Golf Course has once again ranked in Golf Advisor's list of "Top 25 College Golf Courses - Golfers' Choice 2024." The ranking comes from Golf Advisor's "GolfNow," an online booking service for tee times at golf courses around the country.
"The ranking validates all the hard work we have done over the years. For the most part we are self-made," said Jason White, golf course director at NMSU Golf Course. "Besides the new irrigation system that was installed in 2014, the improvements made to the golf course layout have been completed by our maintenance staff. A ranking like this, voted on by golfers, proves we are moving in the right direction." Â
In the very near future, students taking online courses will have a new perspective that will help them interact with classmates and faculty, thanks to a new hologram technology being developed by Cisco.
New Mexico State University is one of the only higher education institutions that get to test that technology to see how well it will work in a classroom, with students and faculty members submitting feedback to Cisco on how well they think it works and what may need to be changed.
For 14 years, Jason Laney has worked for the National Weather Service in the El Paso/Santa Teresa area as a warning coordination meteorologist. In his role, he does his part to warn and educate the public about the dangers of extreme weather resulting from climate change.
Laney will give a talk about how the weather service is meeting the challenge of extreme weather head-on as part of the "Cambios Climate Change Speaker Series" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 9 at the Rio Grande Theatre at 211 N. Main Street. The presentation is free and open to the public.
The "Cambios Climate Change Speaker Series," formerly known as the New Mexico State University Climate Change Education Seminar Series (NMSUCCESS), was launched in 2018 as an interdisciplinary series to bring a range of experts to NMSU and Las Cruces and promote informed discussion of the causes and consequences of climate change.
New Mexico State University will host a summit later this month that aims to empower and promote success among men of color – especially in higher education.
The Men of Color Summit will be the first conference of its kind hosted in New Mexico for men from minority groups. Open to Aggies and community members of all backgrounds, the event will take place April 26 on NMSU's Las Cruces campus. It will feature various speakers from Las Cruces and beyond who will deliver remarks and workshops related to the summit's theme, "Empowerment Though Unity: Celebrating Diversity."
Portales, NM – April 3, 2024 – Eastern New Mexico University is hosting an on-campus, community-wide event celebrating 90 years of student success this Saturday, April 6, from 3-7 p.m. The University will continue the celebration from 7-10 p.m. at Enchantment Vineyards.
"We have such a wonderful history with Portales and the region. This celebration is focused on the community and the families that played a role in ENMU being founded in Portales," said James Johnston, ENMU Chancellor. "I hope to see a great turnout to celebrate 90 years of student success with us."
On the heels of Women's History Month, New Mexico State University is hosting its 19th annual J. Paul Taylor Social Justice Symposium on April 10 titled: "Transformative Leadership: Women, Gender Diversity, and Social Justice."
"This event, organized by NMSU's gender and sexuality studies, commemorates and reflects on our 35 years of interdisciplinary academic and creative excellence, beginning with the founding of the Women's Studies Program in 1989," said M. Catherine Jonet, associate professor of gender and sexuality studies. "It honors the leadership contributions of women and LGBTQ+ folks across the NMSU system, in local and state politics and community mobilization.
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