SB 3 Paid Family Medical Leave Act, a new tax on employees and employers, was killed today! That means your hard work paid off.

You took the time to send emails, call, and use social media to express your frustration about the Senate and House passing yet another tax...and it worked! SB 3 Paid Family and Medical Leave Act , a tax that would have devastated New Mexican workers and businesses, was killed today with a House floor vote. 

The final vote was 34 for and 36 against. 

While this is a huge upset victory...NMBC (New Mexico Business Coalition) will remain vigilant to the possibility that progressive leadership will try an 'end-around' to bring up another PFMLA bill. 

NMBC advocates for working families, businesses, and all New Mexicans by fighting government overreach. 

Join us in fighting for our state; we are strong when we stand together.