Santa Fe, NM – November 14th, 2024 - With Fall weather in the air and winter on the way, temperatures are getting colder, and nights are getting longer. This also means that trees are shedding their leaves and dropping their needles. As these burnable materials pile up, they become a fuel bed and can become a fire hazard under dry conditions. In the event of a wildfire, leaves and needles are a fuel source for embers and can ignite easily allowing fires to spread to your home. Wildfire preparedness is an ongoing process and you can set yourself up for success by taking care of the fine fuels on your property this Fall.
This month's Wildfire Preparedness Is Year-Round Message: Don't Fall Behind. Maintain preparedness by clearing leaves and debris around your home. Areas to focus on include:
Typically, the most vulnerable area of a home is the rooftop. Clean around your rooftop and gutters ensuring they are free of leaves, needles, and vegetation.
Decks and balconies should be cleaned and free of leaves and pine needles.
Landscape/Outlying Structures
Rake and clear areas surrounding your home and any outlying structures ensuring they are clean and free of debris and leaf litter.
Preparedness year-round helps to keep your home and property safe from wildfire. For additional preparedness tip visit NFPA - Preparing Homes for Wildfires.