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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
SANTA FE – Cabinet Secretary Jason R. Bowie issued this statement on the tragic death of Las Cruces Police Officer Jonah Hernandez who was killed in the line of duty on February 11, 2024:
"The tragic news of Officer Jonah Hernandez's death, killed in the line of duty, has deeply saddened us all. His dedication to duty and ultimate sacrifice serves as a reminder of the inherent risks faced by law enforcement officers every day. Officer Hernandez's commitment to protecting and serving his community will be remembered and honored.
Healthy Food Financing Fund FY2024 Awardees AnnouncedÂ
SANTA FE, N.M. –  The New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) announced that 21 projects in 19 communities across New Mexico are recipients of the FY24 round of Healthy Food Financing Awards.
The grants flow from the Healthy Food Financing Fund (HFFF), as part of the Governor's Food Initiative, and are administered by EDD's Food, Hunger and Agricultural program and Vida Mejor Capital, the HFFF State Administrator.
Company plans to invest $95 million in Albuquerque facility, add 5 soundstagesÂ
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and executives at Cinelease, Inc. and Cinelease Studios announced today that the entertainment service company has chosen its Albuquerque site for a new investment and significant expansion.Â
"Cinelease is yet another major company to recognize that New Mexico's strong workforce and competitive business climate makes our state the place to be," Gov. Lujan Grisham said. "This partnership will bring hundreds of productions to the state, supporting jobs in construction and film while bolstering economic activity to help New Mexico communities and families."Â
Albuquerque, NM – February 12, 2024 – Legendary blues artist and three-time Grammy award winner Joe Bonamassa will perform at Sandia Resort & Casino on Friday, August 2, 2024 as part of his Blues Deluxe Tour. Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday, February 16, 2024.
Show begins at 8 p.m. and doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets range from $49 to $99. Anyone paying with cash at the casino will not be charged any additional processing fees. If purchased online via sandiacasino.com, the ticket surcharge fee is only $2.50 per ticket, which is the lowest in the industry.
New Mexico State University will bring the inspirational documentary "Madan Sara" to Las Cruces on Feb. 15. Directed by Etant Dupain, the film tells the story of the simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary women making Haiti's economy run.
In the face of intense hardship and social stigma, the Haitian women known as "madan sara" demonstrate the power of Black women in a global economy, putting their children through school, housing their families and working to establish a better life for future generations. They have become an important piece of the Haitian economy and culture by working tirelessly to buy, distribute and sell essential items in markets throughout the country despite a lack of investment, infrastructure and state assistance.
Senate unanimously confirms Brig. Gen. Jamison Herrera as secretary for Department of Veterans' ServicesÂ
SANTA FE – Today, the New Mexico Senate unanimously confirmed Brig. Gen. Jamison Herrera as Cabinet Secretary for the New Mexico Department of Veterans' Services (DVS).Â
 "Brig. Gen. Herrera has already demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to military service," said Gov. Lujan Grisham. "The Senate's unanimous confirmation speaks to his ability to tackle the issues affecting veterans and to ensure they receive the services they deserve."Â
Today, the New Mexico Senate unanimously confirmed Kari Armijo as the Cabinet Secretary for the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD). Â
"The transition of the Human Services Department to the Health Care Authority to centralize purchasing and deliver high quality health care, regulation and policy is in solid hands," said Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.Â
SANTA FE – Today, the New Mexico Senate unanimously confirmed W. Troy Weisler as the 23rd New Mexico State Police Chief. Â
"Chief Weisler has already demonstrated incredible leadership, and public safety will continue to be positively impacted with him at the helm," said Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. Â
"Chief Weisler started as a recruit here in New Mexico in 2002 and worked his way up the ranks of the New Mexico State Police until his appointment last June. In the time I have gotten to work with him, I have found him to be incredibly open, and even in times when we may disagree, Chief Weisler has always been willing to work together to come to a place of common understanding," said Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth, who sponsored Chief Weisler. "As the leader of a state law enforcement of over 800 officers and support staff, having these skills and history in the department are crucial in building a culture of trust and transparency."Â
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