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Dolores "Dodo" Morales Teague, 61, resident of Deming passed away Sunday February 25, 2024 in El Paso, Texas. Arrangements are pending.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Dolores "Dodo" Morales Teague, please visit our floral store.
Raul Arroyos Carbajal, 89, a longtime resident of Deming entered eternal rest on Sunday, February 25, 2024 in El Paso, TX surrounded by his loving family.
Raul was born December 15, 1934 in Ascension, Chihuahua, Mexico to Feliciano Arroyos and Eulalia Carbajal. He was a very hard worker and was an agriculture laborer for many years and worked very hard to provide for his family. Raul lived a very hard life growing up but was able to get past many obstacles throughout his life, which made him a very strong, kind, friendly, loving, wise and humble man. He will always be remembered and cherished as a very loving and caring husband to his wife, father to his children and grandfather to his grandchildren.
He is survived by his children Maria Madrid, Martha (Juan) Gutierrez, Socorro Torres, Esperanza Arroyos (Arturo Camuñez) and Cecila Arroyos; 3 sisters Alica Saenz, Celia, and Armida Arroyos; as well as his many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. Raul is preceded in death by his parents Feliciano and Eulalia; his spouse Socorro Arroyos; a grandson Jorge Mantansillas; 3 great-grandchildren Itzamor Escobar, Erick and Angel Bencomo; 2 son-in-law's Jose Torres and Jose Madrid and 6 siblings.
Ray Ortega, 67, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Monday, February 26, 2024 at Gila Regional Medical Center, in Silver City, NM. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Terry Michael Moore, 73, a resident of Silver City, NM peacefully passed away Saturday, February 17, 2024. He was born in Connecticut to George and Marian Moore on April 26, 1950.
Terry was preceded in death by his parents and older brother, George and step sister Patricia. He is survived by his brother, Thomas (Marilyn) Moore of CT; sister, Kathy (Thomas) Szwejkowski of FL; step mother Mary Moore of CT and step-sisters, Penny (Ron) and Susan both of FL; Elizabeth from North Carolina and Lori from California.
Terry lived most of his life in Connecticut. He was a Bunnell graduate (1969), a licensed mortician and skilled insurance agent. He graduated from the Connecticut School of Broadcasting and had a radio show on WICC called "Opportunity Knocks" which shared ideas and good decisions for starting a business. He enjoyed traveling throughout our country and when visiting New Mexico, he realized the beauty and wonders of the area AND the friends he made created a special place for him. He stayed and lived there for more than 20 years.
Willa Jean Tow, 93, a resident of Friendswood, Texas, very peacefully entered eternal rest on Saturday February 17th 2024 with her family was by her side. She was born in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico on October 1, 1930 to Donald and Edith Nelson.
Willa Jean was married to Cecil Eugene Tow on September 10, 1947 and their fairytale journey began as they traveled all over New Mexico. She was a very devoted wife and mother to her husband and their daughter; Katherine Anne Tow. Willa Jean was well known for New Mexico style cooking, her red chili, and large meals that would serve an army with only 4 were in attendance. She loved gardening, canning foods, crafts, the rodeo, birds, fishing, camping, and family gatherings with the grandchildren, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. She was active in the Mimbres and Silver City, New Mexico communities, Eastern Star, volunteering at the local co-op and in the church.  She was blessed to have been able to relocate to Friendswood Texas after her late husband's and daughter's passing to be close to her grandchildren and great grandchild for the past 12 years.Â
Frank Ontiveros Carrasco, 74, of Silver City passed away Monday, February 26, 2024 at Gila Regional Medical Center. Arrangements are pending under the care of Baca's Funeral Chapels.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Frank Ontiveros Carrasco, please visit our floral store.
Jesus Flores, 78, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at University Medical Center in El Paso, TX. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Richard Lucero, 90, a resident of Santa Clara, NM, entered eternal rest on Friday, February 23, 2024 at Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City, NM. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
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