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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Obituary notices.
Bobby Gonzales Medina, 73, former resident of Deming entered eternal rest on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 in Las Cruces. Services are pending.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Bobby Gonzales Medina, please visit our floral store.
Anne Conchetta Giampietro Kiehne 93, of Silver City, New Mexico passed peacefully at home Thursday February 22, 2024. A rosary will be held at 10:00 AM and the services will be at 11:00 AM Friday March 1st at the Catron County Fairgrounds in Reserve, New Mexico with Father Anthony Dike giving the funeral mass. Burial will follow at the cemetery in Middle Frisco (just South of Reserve).
Anne was born on September 28, 1930 in Detroit Michigan to Pat J. Giampietro and Marguerite Mary Treadwell.
Anne was preceded in death by her parents, her step-father, Stanley Radvillas, and her brother Marden Radvillas.
Anne was married on May 30, 1954 to Max W. (Billy) Kiehne, who preceded her in death on July 19, 2014.
Anne is survived by her five children, Zeno Kiehne of Reserve, New Mexico, Zane Kiehne (wife Tanya) of Pecos, Texas, Travis Kiehne (wife Tammy) of Magdalena, New Mexico, Clell Kiehne (wife Donna) of Silver City, New Mexico and Tita Heinen (husband Bobby) of Farmington, New Mexico. She is also survived by 20 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren, a great, great granddaughter and numerous nephews and nieces.
Lorenzo "Okie-Dokie" Norero, 71, born in Santa Rita on March 8, 1952, to Guillermo "Chemo" and Guadalupe "Lupe" Norero.  Raised in San Lorenzo, he worked for Fort Bayard in the boiler room, then Cobre Mines as an underground mechanic. He also worked at the SX plant.  In his early days, he enjoyed racing muscle cars, collecting vintage cars, hunting, and playing baseball with his compas, and continued to enjoy fishing, music, dancing, and spending time with family and friends.  Proceeded to death with his mother and father, sister Helen, and Gilbert Madrid.  Living is the loving mother of his children Gloria Norero, daughter Alicia Norero, and her partner Samuel; her children are Christopher "C.J" and Isabella "Bella" Norero.  Daughter, Laura Norero, and her son, Seven Norero.  Only son Lorenzo "JR" Norero.  Daughter Noel Norero-Baehr married John, their son Nicolas married Starri, and their son Nicolas Jr. With numerous loving nieces and nephews. Â
Fedelina Jaramillo Armijo, 96, a resident of Silver City, NM entered eternal rest Friday, February 2, 2024 at Sunset Vista in Silver City, NM. She was born on the ranch in Horse Springs, NM on April 1, 1927 to Ramon and Beronica U. Jaramillo, and was raised alongside her four sisters and brother.Â
The family subsequently moved to Reserve where she attended school. Fedelina was introduced to Martin Armijo, where their romance began and eventually lead to their marriage on December 17, 1950. She was a devoted housewife, mother, and homemaker to her husband and two sons. Fedelina was a member of the Catholic Church and had tremendous faith as she followed the word of God, prayed her rosary and novenas. Fedelina loved all her five grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren unconditionally. Everyone was always welcomed in her home. She was well known for her "Hot" green/red chili and homemade tortillas. She was an excellent seamstress and cook. She enjoyed watching sporting events, especially basketball and the Phoenix Suns team. She enjoyed traveling around the states of AZ and NM camping and RV'ing. She will be greatly missed by all those who have been blessed to have known her.
Wilma Jean Tapscott, 89, passed away with family by her side on February 16th at Fort Bayard
Medical Center. She was born on February 1, 1935 to Carl and Lillie Mae Burgess (Conder) in
Claremore, OK.
Wilma had many happy childhood memories of spending time with her Grandma and Grandpa
Conder on their farm in Oklahoma and would visit her grandma Burgess on her dairy farm in
Arkansas during the Summer, where she would pick strawberries and black walnuts for her
grandmother to bake her a cake. Wilma moved with her family to Grant County at the age of 9
years old when her father got a job at Kennecott mine in Santa Rita, NM. Wilma attended
Western High school and met the love of her life Jack in 1952 at a Christmas Eve dance at the
Chino Buffet in Hurley, NM. They married on March 28, 1953, in Lordsburg NM.
Reuben Montoya, 95, a resident of San Lorenzo, NM, entered eternal rest on Friday, February 23, 2024 at his residence. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Suzanne L. James, 71, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at University Medical Center in El Paso, TX. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Anne Kiehne, 93, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at her residence. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
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