to the point mick richMick Rich will provide articles once or twice a week. Some will address New Mexico issues and some will talk about national issues. 

Rail Runner + ART + Rail to Trail = Santa Fe's Democrats Malfeasance?

01 Rail Trail COA Image copy

Rail to Trail: Hope, Family Fun. Reality, Another Homeless Defecation Area

From the City of Albuquerque website, Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency/Rail Trail /Design, "Antoine Predock & Associates, in partnership with Pland Collaborative and Wilson & Company, are spearheading the design of the Albuquerque Rail Trail. This team will create a modern and artistic pathway that reflects the culture and history of the land of enchantment. It will transform our downtown neighborhoods and elevate the way we experience our city."

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The Once Iconic Albuquerque Sunport

How will the $100 million terminal upgrades restore passenger traffic to 2007 levels? 

albuquerque airport 360x239Albuquerque Sunport

The Albuquerque International Sunport was one of the economic engines driving the Albuquerque Metro economy. Not anymore. Passenger traffic has been down by twenty percent since 2007, showing the lack of passengers in the terminal and empty shops at the airport.

Companies looking to locate or expand in the Albuquerque market consider the number of direct flights in and out of the airport an essential factor. In an October Bloomberg article dated 10/31/2017, the headline, “Nonstop flights between cities are a more effective way of generating inter-city investment than increased airport capacity.”

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