I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.
Mike Rowse
Will there be surprises?
We know the corporate media has been in the tank for the Democrat Party, the alphabet mafia aka LGBQTA++, the progressives, and the one world order for a long time. Over the last 15 years or so, the curtain has been pulled back on their bias bit by bit. Not just by those of us that saw what was happening but now, they themselves have reached the point where they are not trying to hide it anymore. They believe they are right, and their cause is what's best for the rest of us.
Their cause began years ago when a small group of politicians and businessmen met at Jekyll Island to hatch a plan that would destroy true competition in the marketplace and begin consolidating power within the federal government. This cause was picked up by people like Margaret Sanger, Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt. Albeit they may have been unaware of the true nature of the scheme.
Guess I'll have to listen to this one to know what it's about. I used to love to read to my kids
If you had eastern equine encephalitis as the newest pandemic on your bingo card, you are a winner. Known as EEE, the disease has been around for a long time and was used to scare us about 35 or 40 years ago. The disease is rare but can be deadly. It is transmitted by mosquitoes. Some people can die, others will suffer ongoing neurological problems. On average 10 people a year contract the disease. It has never reached a level of infection among the general population that should scare anybody. But in today's world, it's the next scary thing for politicians to latch onto and exert their authority.
The propaganda media helped Joe Biden get elected in 2020. As in most election cycles, they handled Joe with kid gloves. They accepted without criticism the Democrat party's strategy of keeping Joe in the basement and controlling access to him. They refused to point out his obvious lies, whoppers that he's told dozens if not hundreds of times. Lies that forced him out of the race decades ago. It was a brilliant strategy. What they are doing now makes the 2020 campaign look amateurish.
Kamala was installed as the nominee without receiving a single vote. Doesn't that threaten democracy? It's obvious to anyone that this is very undemocratic and very Marxist. Nary a peep from the corporate media. You see there are exceptions to every rule if the ultimate goal is 'good' for them.
Everyone is aware that this election will have significant and profound consequences for the future of this nation. Installation of Kamala Harris as the leader of this country will take us in a direction that will fundamentally change our nation from a Republic with a free market economy to a communist dictatorship. Donald Trump on the other hand would more likely lead us back towards the nation that we used to be. But when I asked the question, are we headed for a total collapse? I'm not necessarily talking about the results of the election.
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