maurine laney

For those of you who may not know, after 30 years of working in the courts (12 years on the bench), I will be retiring at the end of this month. My last day in person at the court will be December 22. My staff generously offered to throw me a retirement party. However, the current Covid restrictions for the court would require people to wear masks, stay 3 feet apart, and would prohibit us from serving food or refreshments. Frankly, that just didn't sound like much of a party. So, I declined their offer. I did want to have an opportunity to reminisce about the "good ole days" and have a chuckle about some of the funny things that have happened here in court over the years. Mostly though, I just wanted to be able to thank you all for the experience of having worked with and for you, so here goes:

To My Staff (present and former): You are the hardest working people I know. People don't realize the hard work that goes into achieving excellence as a Magistrate Court clerk. Clerks are required to be trained in all aspects of the court: criminal rules, civil rules, administrative, etc. They have to meet all deadlines whether they are fully staffed or not. They must always pay special attention to detail because people's lives and liberty can very literally depend upon it. As a judge and former court manager, I have set an expectation of having nothing short of the best magistrate court staff in the state. You all have not only met the challenge but continue to exceed my expectations. Thank you so much for always making me look good and for being my second family!

To My Fellow Judges: I want to thank all of the other judges in our district for your friendship and for your guidance. It has been an honor to serve with you all. I want to give a special thanks to Judge Hector Grijalva, for being willing to take on some of my caseload when it got too large for me to manage on my own, and to Judge Jennifer DeLaney for letting me know it was ok to ask for help. Thank you! I also want to say a special thank you to my predecessor Judge Ron Hall who believed in me and encouraged me to run for this position. I could not have done it without you!

To newly elected Judge Justin Garwood: Congratulations on your election! With your positive outlook, strong sense of ethics, new energy, and knowledge of the law, I know that you will serve the court and people of our community very well. I wish you all the best in your new career.

To the Prosecutors: It has been my pleasure to work with you all over the years. I have always admired the fact that our local prosecutors at the DA's Office as well as special prosecutors work diligently to achieve just outcomes that will best benefit the public interest, and that you do so with a heart and not a "one size fits all" mantra. The issue of being understaffed is widespread throughout our state and is something our local district has had to deal with on many occasions. The burden placed on the State to prove a case is not a small one, especially when dealing with ever-changing rules and time limits. Your willingness to continue to serve our communities and take on these increasing caseloads with diligence and tenacity has not gone unnoticed. You are appreciated!

To the Defense Attorneys: As a non-attorney judge taking the bench 12 years ago, I wasn't sure how I would be received by the local bar. You all treated me as an equal and challenged me to look deeper into the law and be ready for anything. For the true administration of justice to be achieved, every branch has to work effectively. A strong defense is a critical part of that process. The people of our community are very fortunate to have contract public defenders who advocate just as hard for their contract clients as they do for their private clients. Thank you so much for keeping me on my toes!

To Law Enforcement: I am honored to have gotten to know and work with so many outstanding police officers, deputies, detectives, and detention officers. In court, I have experienced only a small glimpse of some of the traumatic results of a brutal crime having been committed, the heartbreaking outcomes of a misguided choice resulting in tragedy, and the seemingly unsurmountable outcomes related to the use of dangerous drugs. I have witnessed seasoned officers overcome with emotion when describing injuries to an innocent victim. However, I've also observed genuine sadness on display by narcotics officers when a long time "frequent flyer" passes away from an overdose. Your willingness to serve on the front lines and your ability to maintain your sense of humanity is impressive and rare. I will forever be grateful for the men and women willing to sacrifice and serve with bravery for the safety of our community. Thank you!

To County Compliance, Probation and Parole, and Pre-Trial Services: The work that you all do is critical to our success. Thank you for helping to encourage defendants to succeed and for helping to hold them accountable when they get off track.

To El Refugio: There is nothing more heartbreaking that the destruction of a family experiencing domestic violence. The work that you do assisting victims and their children, as well as the treatment you offer for offenders saves lives. Thank you!

To my Partners in the Grant County Stepping Up Program: Mental health issues and Substance-use disorders play a HUGE role in the criminal justice system. Countless crimes are committed as result of these issues going unaddressed. My heart goes out to victims and families of victims who have been negatively impacted as a result of the actions of someone suffering a mental health crisis or battling addiction. I will also continue to pray for those suffering from mental health or substance use disorders and their families, who are often desperate for help and do not know where to turn. It is impossible to believe that there will ever be a reduction in crime without addressing these issues in a more meaningful way. To those of you that work with people and assist them in receiving effective mental health and substance use treatment, please keep up the good work. Your work is absolutely vital to our community.

To the Defendants (former and present): Someone much wiser than me once said, "You can't fly with eagles while you're running around with turkeys!" This statement is so true. Stop acting like a turkey. Your potential has no limits except those that you place upon yourself. My faith in God has taught me the power of redemption and my career in the courts has allowed to me to occasionally see glimpses of it. I have witnessed people who spent years in the criminal justice system turn their lives around with the most amazing success. I've seen people suffering from the worst substance use addictions claw their way into recovery and go on to show others that they can overcome it. Please remember: "You CAN do it!" It is POSSIBLE! There is HOPE!

 In closing, I wish to say thank you to the citizens of Grant County for entrusting me with the position of Magistrate Judge for the last 12 years. Serving you in in this capacity has been one of the biggest honors of my lifetime. I hope to have made a difference for the better while in office. I am very much looking forward to spending lots of time with my family. My husband and children sacrificed so much in order to allow me to live out this dream. Without their support and encouragement, I never would have made it. Finally, and most importantly, I want to give thanks to God for guiding me on this journey, because without Him, nothing would be possible.



Maurine Laney 

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