1. Call to order and declare a quorum – Sean Geary Vice-President

2.Approval/disapproval of Agenda-Sean Geary

3. Approval/disapproval of minutes of the September 21, 2022, Board Meeting-Angie Roach

4. New Business

    a. Approval/Disapproval of Resolution 2023-06 describing the policy of the TWWA to provide timely and meaningful access to LEP persons for all programs and services provided by the TWWA:

         i. General Policy Statement: (DRAFT) "It is the policy of the Tyrone Water & Wastewater Association (TWWA) to provide timely meaningful access for limited English proficiency (LEP) persons to all programs and activities. All personnel shall provide free language assistance services to LEP individuals whom they encounter or whenever an LEP person requests language assistance services. All TWWA board members or contractors will inform members of the public that language assistance services are available free of charge to LEP persons, and that the association will provide these services to them. 

        ii. The TWWA will conduct a self-assessment within 60 days after the approval of the resolution and address the following points: 1. Demography - The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be encountered. 2. Frequency of Contact - the frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program and/or activities. 3. Importance - the nature and importance of the program, activity, or service to people's lives; and 4. Resources - the resources available and costs

    b. Approval/Disapproval of financial reports for August and September 2022-Jenny Robertson

    c. Approval/Disapproval of Discussion on proposed changes to the financial policies of the TWWA. 

        TWWA Financial Policy (DRAFT)

           1. Late payments will be assessed a late fee of $25.

           2. Accounts delinquent over 90 days will begin accruing interest at the rate of 12% per annum.

           3. Accounts delinquent over 90 days will have a lien filed against their property.  All associated lien fees will be applied to the homeowner account.

           4. TWWA reserves the right to enter into a foreclosure action and may do so in an effort to collect on outstanding debt.

            5. TWWA reserves the right to file a Petition to seek a Court Order demanding payment of all past due amounts and may do so in an effort to collect on outstanding debt.

            6. After 90 days of delinquency the homeowner will be in poor standing as a member of the association and will lose townsite privileges.  This means the homeowner may not participate in any election, voting, volunteer services, or use of any social media owned and managed by the association.

          7. Beginning January 1, 2023, payments will be due by the 1st of the month at Morones' office, 608 N. Bullard Street, Silver City, NM 88061.  A late fee will be assessed if the payment is received after the 1st of the month.

5. Old Business

    a. Lift Station design and construction progress-Sean and Alan

    b. Management of delinquent accounts-Jenny Robertson

        i. Liens filed

        ii. NMhomefund applicants

6. Report and Approval of Officers and Committees

    a. President's Report-Alan Berg

    b. Vice President's Report-Sean Geary

    c. Secretary's Report-Angie Roach

    d. Treasurer's Report-Jenny Robertson

    e. Water Operator - Eddie Mendoza

    f. Member at Large-Doug Gorthy

7. Public Input (limited to 3 minutes/person)

8. Announcements-Alan Berg-Telephone number for the office has been disconnected.  TCA is getting a cell phone and the number is:

9. Approval/Disapproval to move into Executive Session pursuant to NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-l(H)(7) for the Discussion of matters subject to the attorney-client privilege pertaining to litigation in which the public body is or may become a participant.

10. Reconvene public participation portion of the October 19, 2022 TWWA Board meeting from executive session.

11. Adjournment-Sean Geary

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