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LTE on Grant County Senior Services

October 02, 2024 Letters to Editor Mary Alice Murphy
To All Who Have Received This Letter, You might want to read to the end since this letter is being sent to Non Metro NM Area Agency on Aging (AAA), NM Aging & Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD), and various people on the Grant County Board including the Manager, and the Media. To: Rusty Tolley…
concentration of foreign land ownership map december 31 2022 60

Foreign Land Ownerships Part Three

October 02, 2024 The Chronicles of Grant County Mary Alice Murphy
The Chronicles Of Grant County Foreign Land OwnershipsPart Three This map shows the amounts of acreage owned by foreign entities throughout the United States of America. The legend references the number of total acres of foreign holdings in each state, commonwealth, and district. (The map was…

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Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting

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Thursday, June 15, 2017, 09:00am


I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State Flag

III. Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda

IV. Public Input

• During this portion of our meeting, we welcome your suggestions and want to hear your concerns. This is not a question and answer period; speakers will be limited to five (5) minutes. Any individual who would like to discuss an item in more depth may request to be placed on a future agenda. Request forms are available in the County Manager’s Office.

V. Minutes
a. Approve/Disapprove May 16, 2017, Work Session Meeting Minutes

b. Approve/Disapprove May 18, 2017, Regular Meeting Minutes

c. Approve/Disapprove May 24, 2017, Special Meeting Minutes

d. Approve/Disapprove June 2, 2017, Special Meeting Minutes

VI. Financial Reports

e. Approve/Disapprove June 7, 2017, Expenditure Report

VII. New Business

f. Approve/Disapprove Silver High School Lady Colt Softball State Champions Proclamation

g. Helping Seniors Stay Healthy Project Year End Report – Chris DeBolt

h. Approve/Disapprove Sapillo Creek 2017 Volunteer Firefighters Annual Reporting for PERA

i. Approve/Disapprove Inventory Deletion for Multiple Departments

j. Approve/Disapprove Appointment of Lodgers Tax Advisory Board Member

k. Approve/Disapprove Gila Regional Medical Center Appointment of Board of Trustees

VIII. Agreements

l. Approve/Disapprove Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement No. A-17-14; Supporting Community Development of Ft. Bayard, Grant County, New Mexico

m. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-17-16; Professional Services Agreement between the Grant County DWI Program and Chris Helgert, DBA The Recovery Management Center

n. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-17-17; Fiscal Year 2018 DWI Program Grant Agreement

o. Approve/Disapprove Agreement No. A-17-18; Consent Agreement that amends existing Loan and Intercept Agreements with the New Mexico Finance Authority for the following loans for which pledged funds come from State Fire Protection Funds:

IX. Resolutions

p. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-20; A Resolution Amending the Approved and Adopted Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 2016

q. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-21; A Resolution entering into a Cooperative Agreement with New Mexico Department of Transportation for County Arterial Program CAP -1-18 (401)

r. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-22; A Resolution entering into a Cooperative Agreement with New Mexico Department of Transportation for School Bus Routes Program SB – 7717 (934) 18
s. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-23; A Resolution entering into a Cooperative Agreement with New Mexico Department of Transportation for Special Projects SP – 1-18 (901)

t. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-24; A Resolution Declaring the Intent of Grant County to Consider Adoption an Inducement Resolution Authorizing and Approving Submission of an Application to The New Mexico State Board of Finance for the Project Approval of Qualified Conservation Bonds for the Implementation of a Green Community and other Qualified Conservation Projects and Directing the County Manager, County Finance Director and County Planner to take necessary action in connection with the application

u. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-25; A Resolution establishing a Green Community Program for the Benefits of Residents of Grant County

v. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-26; Notice of Intent to Consider an Ordinance Authorizing and Regulating the Operation of Off-Highway Motor Vehicles on Streets or Highways Owned and Controlled by Grant County.

w. Approve/Disapprove Resolution No. R-17-27; A Resolution Adopting the Comprehensive Plan for Grant County

X. Recess as the Grant County Board of Commissioners and Convene as the Grant County Health Care Claims Board

x. Approve/Disapprove May 2017, Health Plan Claims (Indigent Fund) in the amount of $26,464.47

y. Approve/Disapprove Indigent Burial from Baca’s Funeral Chapels

XI. Adjourn as the Grant County Health Care Claims Board and Reconvene as the Grant County Board of Commissioners

XII. Elected Officials’ Reports

XIII. Commissioners’ Reports

XIV. Adjournment

Location Grant County Administration Center
1400 Hwy. 180 East
Silver City

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