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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Editorial content. Content posted here may or may not reflect the opinions of the Beat. They reflect the opinions of the author.
By Leanna Derrick – 505-210-1460,Â
Senator Mimi Stewart
Rep. Christine Chandler ENM'18
Rep. Linda Serrato ENM'18
Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero ENM'07Â
SB 3 is a tax bill to create a new fund that benefits employees but mandates businesses to carry the burden making it difficult for business owners to thrive or could shut their doors in New Mexico. SB 3 would have set up a program to be run by the Department of Workforce Solutions at an estimated startup cost of $36 million and be funded by contributions from all employees and employers with more than five workers. Opponents argued the program will place an extra financial burden on both businesses and employees, and without penalties could allow for employees to commit fraud and abuse the fund.
Democratic Legislators neglected and overlooked opportunities to include conservative input.  At key moments, decision makers overstepped their privileges of power to shut down constituents who voiced opposition to the bill. Throughout there were actions that indicate a coordinated effort to maneuver this bill through committee preference and arrange this legislation into law.
One goal of Emerge New Mexico, a political training program, is to repower political structures by flipping state legislatures, transforming campaigns and office leadership into majority-woman, and filling appointed boards and commissions with Emerge Alumnae. In the case of SB 3, actions by cohorts do align with the Emerge New Mexico goals.
SB 3 is an expansion of the 1993 Federal Paid Leave Act. Emerge America championing this effort to create a separate state fund.  Eleven other states (including Washington, D.C.) have created statewide, government-run paid family and medical leave programs.Â
1.       All new legislation should go through either or both house's judiciary committee, yet SB 3 was not heard in either judiciary committees.Â
2.       According to Carla Sonntag, in 2022 the NM Business Coalition, was invited to participate in the Paid Family & Medical Leave Task Force organized by the Southwest Women's Law Center (SWLC). The Business Coalition created a survey, tabulated the results, and presented their findings that businesses independence business could not afford the burden of this tax. The task force did not take into consideration the needs of the state's business owners.
3.       Currently, 3 Emerge alumnae are serving on the SWLC board:
·         SWLC Officer President Mary Clark ENM'15, employed as the sustainability manager at the University of New Mexico, overseeing the Office of Sustainability. Â
·         SWLC Director Erika Harding ENM'09, current Director of Amplify Consulting & Communications solutions, former Chief Replication Officer and Global Replication Director at the ECHO Institute for many years.
·         SWLC Director Sydney Tellez ENM'18, JD from University of New Mexico School of Law, 2023.
4.       The Senate Committee's Committee determined SB 3 would be heard in the Senate Finance Committee. SB 3 was heard in the Senate Finance Committee over 5 hours on Thursday evening (2/8/2024) and made statewide media coverage because of the voter pushback.  Passed in the Senate - Y:25 N:15.
5.       The Speaker of the House determined which committee a bill will be scheduled to be heard.  In the case of SB 3, the bill was heard in House Health and Human Services Committee. SB 3 was scheduled late Sunday evening to be heard the next morning on Monday at 8:30 am giving little notice for the public to attend in person.
6.       Rep. Liz Thomson, Chair of House Health and Human Services Committee repeatedly overstepped her privilege of power by shutting down committee discussion even when prompted by any of the three Republican committee members that their questions were on behalf of their constituents. Chair Thomson dictated that public testimony was limited to 20 testimonies for 1 minute per speakers, 10 each for/opposing.Â
7.       Testimony from constituent groups against the bill were more numerous in number than testimony for the bill. Opposing testimony from the NM Restaurant association, Business Coalition, and Better Together New Mexico could not sway the Do Pass Vote 7 to 3. Action:  Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation
House Health and Human Services Committee Members
Name                            District  Party  Role
Rep Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson ENM'09    24      D    Chair      Â
Rep Pamelya Herndon               28      D    Vice Chair
Rep Jenifer Jones                   32      R    Ranking Member
Rep Kathleen Cates   ENM'22          44      D    Member
Rep Eleanor Chávez                 26      D    Member
Rep Joanne J. Ferrary  ENM'13        37      D    Member
Rep Tara Jaramillo                  38       D    Member
Rep Stefani Lord                   22      R    Member
Rep Reena Szczepanski   ENM'08      47      D    Member
Rep Harlan Vincent                 56      R    Member
8.       SB3 was introduced on Thursday evening in the Senate Finance Committee and ended with Do Pass 6 to 5. In retrospect, the best chance to defeat the bill was in this committee. Only one Emerge alumnae is on the committee. Â
Senate Finance Committee MembersÂ
    Name                       District   Party    Role
Sen George K. Muñoz             4       D      Chair
Sen Nancy Rodriguez             24       D      Vice Chair
Sen William E. Sharer             1       R       Ranking Member
Sen William F. Burt               33       R       Member
Sen Pete Campos                8       D      Member
Sen Crystal Diamond Brantley      35       R      Member
Sen Roberto "Bobby" J. Gonzales    6       D      Member
Sen Siah Correa Hemphill  ENM'19  28       D      Member
Sen Michael Padilla              14       D      Member
Sen Jeff Steinborn               36       D      Member
Sen Pat Woods                  7       R      Member
9.        SB3 was killed on the House Floor on 2/14/2024. The state House of Representatives voted 36-34 Wednesday to defeat a bill that would have created a statewide paid family and medical leave program. 11 Democrats joined 25 Republicans to stop Senate Bill 3.
10.   Better Together New Mexico counted over 80,000 responses in emails and phone call from voters who opposed SB 3.Â
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