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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Editorial content. Content posted here may or may not reflect the opinions of the Beat. They reflect the opinions of the author.
By Piñon Post / November 3, 2024 / New Mexico, News, Politics
For the full article, including the X messages and such, please visit this link: https://pinonpost.com/whos-really-behind-nms-2024-candidates-documentary-sounds-alarm/
With the November election approaching, Will For Prosperity Ministries, a prominent advocacy organization, has appealed to New Mexico voters to critically assess candidates endorsed by Emerge New Mexico, a far-left group known for supporting progressive female candidates in the state.
[Editor's Note: Emerge New Mexico sometimes releases its members. In the 2024 race, it lists, Gabrielle Begay as a candidate for Cobre Consolidated School Board. In reality, she is running for New Mexico House of Representatives District 39. Be informed!]
This PDF gives the details of Rep. Luis Terrzas' past, present and future priorities for the residents of New Mexico House District 30.
By Paul J. Gessing
By a 2-1 margin (according to polling done this fall by the Albuquerque Journal), New Mexicans are not thrilled with current economic conditions. 38% of respondents called the economy “poor” while just 19% said “good.” The rest either said “fair” or had no strong opinions on the matter.
New Mexicans are not alone in having negative views on the economy. Americans have felt the negative impact of inflation and are not happy about their personal or family finances this election season. The economy is widely considered the top issue in the 2024 campaign.
And, while the presidential and congressional races are extremely important, no races are more important to the economic future of New Mexico than the 112 legislative races that are on ballots across our State. The Legislature makes the laws of New Mexico including the setting of tax rates and spending along with all manner of other policies on topics from education to infrastructure.
By Piñon Post / October 28, 2024 / New Mexico, News, Politics
As the race for New Mexico's Second Congressional District tightens between Republican former Congresswoman Yvette Herrell and far-left Democrat Rep. Gabe Vasquez, outside groups are trying to drop last-minute disinformation about Herrell into the district before Election Day.
In the last couple of days, voters have received mailers from a group calling itself the "Center for Voter Information," which is a leftist dark money 501(c)(4) advocacy group well-known for helping Democrats with deceptive mailers against Republicans.
By David K. Thomson, Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court
Assessing how state court judges perform on the job is difficult, particularly for New Mexico voters in today's divisive political environment. But information from the state's Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission (JPEC) can assist New Mexicans in deciding whether to vote "yes" or "no" to retain judges and justices on the general election ballot.
JPEC was established to specifically help voters carry out their role in ensuring competent, professional judges in New Mexico. The commission's evaluations also provide feedback to judges for improving their performance. The end result is a judicial system that better serves New Mexicans.
By Mike Bibb and photo by Mike Bibb
Former President Donald Trump has at least one recognizable political difference between himself and Vice President Kamala Harris — a restaurant in Mexico insists "food so good, Trump wants to build a wall around us."
Haven't seen, heard or read of other eating establishments in Mexico, the United States, or anywhere else making similar claims.
Somehow, without mentioning Trump's Wall the boast wouldn't work.
By Emily Gossett, FFA Western Region Vice President 2023-2024
Reflecting on my tenure as a National FFA Officer, I realize many pivotal moments are bookended with two simple words: "hello" and "goodbye." As we come and go, we use these words without thinking twice, yet they hold more significance than I once thought.
In FFA, service and connection are pillars of our mission, and each "hello" invites new opportunities, relationships, special moments and exciting potential to help, serve and grow. My experience as a National FFA Officer started with a simple "hello" from my fellow officers, one that in that moment signified inclusion, budding friendships and the start of our unique journey together. As we traveled the country, our "hellos" opened the doors to meaningful conversations with students from different backgrounds from my own, yet all connected by the throughline of agriculture. We made connections that transcended barriers and allowed us to learn from each other through thought-provoking conversations about everything from agricultural technology to aviation to animal sciences.
Unearthing a Buried History: The Untold Story of the Free Apache (Nde)
By Ruben Leyva
What are the implications for Indigenous Peoples in the U.S. whose history has been omitted from our textbooks? Does their lack of representation among Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) tribes lead to political marginalization? Are they at an economic disadvantage, unable to access land and compete for funding due to their lack of official recognition? My research aims to address these inquiries. As a member of a non-federally recognized tribe, our narrative, like many others, is often misunderstood from a historical and cultural perspective.
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