Editorial content. Content posted here may or may not reflect the opinions of the Beat. They reflect the opinions of the author.
What: Chemtrails, contrails, geoengineering, the environment, health
Where: Global
When: For the past 60 years and intensified 6 years ago
How: Spraying chemicals from jet planes to create clouds and/or dim the sun with mix of Sulfur dioxide, Aluminum and Plastic Nano Particles, Barium, Strontium, Propane Gas, and other unknown substances
Why: To mitigate global climate change. As bioweapons.
In the summer of 2022, I was amazed at the number of jet trails I saw. I live in a semi-rural area of New Mexico without much overhead jet traffic. The trails were describing lines, circles, grids, and xs, which stoked my curiosity. Nevertheless, I did not find out about chemical trails until January of 2023. Like many others I did not take the time to question what I was seeing.
As a homeowner you’re asked to pay your fair share through property taxes. Your property is assessed and valued by the county assessor, the mill rate is set and imposed by your county and other taxing authorities, and the appropriate tax is calculated and issued by the county treasurer. We all pay it - maybe not with a smile on our faces - but it’s the law.
Business owners should be held to the same standard.
By Paul Gessing
"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." Groucho Marx
Since President Biden left the presidential race his replacement Kamala Harris has been vague about her policy ideas. In a few areas (like abortion) we know her positions clearly. And in a few isolated cases she has made detailed statements ($25,000 payments to first-time home buyers and not taxing tips).
But, the best way to know someone is by the company she keeps. At the recently-completed Democratic National Convention New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham was given a prime time speaking slot.
"Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?" – excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy's speech in Phoenix, Ariz., Aug. 23, 2024
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Former Democrat/Independent Presidential contender, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., succinctly summed up the Democrats and Kamala Harris-Tim Walz Presidential campaign platform in a single sentence.
When you've nothing of substance to discuss, and your current policies are a proven sham, what's left to tell the voters how great your administration is going to be?
Utah has filed a landmark public lands lawsuit asking the U.S. Supreme Court to address whether the federal government can simply hold unappropriated lands within a state indefinitely. Unappropriated lands are those that the federal government simply holds without a congressionally defined purpose. The "unappropriated" land in question is approximately 18.5 million acres in Utah controlled by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA).
What Your Government Is Up To: Land Theft by Fire
Private ownership of land is the foundation of individual freedom and the free market economy. Federal ownership and control of land has been a contentious issue since the founding of our country. Parks and Monuments are very popular, but 88% of federal land has no specific public value. As part of the "30 x 30" program of the global elite's fascist agenda, our government will own and control 30% of American land by 2030. The goal is the eventual elimination of all private land ownership.
We Fought with Hoo [Juh]? An Apache Family Story By Ruben Leyva, Gila Apache, PhD Student, University of New Mexico
"I Fought with Geronimo," an autobiography by Jason Betzinez published in 1959, has gained acclaim for its detailed depiction of the life of an Apache who resisted U.S. occupation and survived captivity. Betzinez, a Warm Springs-Chihenne (Chíhéne) band member from the present-day Black Range in New Mexico, trained under the Apache leader Geronimo. He later served as an Apache Scout in exchange for pay and temporary relief from reservation life. In 1886, Geronimo, Betzinez, and many others were taken as prisoners to Florida, Alabama, and finally to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Has Harris abandoned her previous positions against fracking and natural gas, or does she maintain them? New Mexico residents would like to know.
With Joe Biden having dropped out of the presidential race in favor of Kamala Harris, it is critical to have a robust conversation about Kamala Harris and her public-policy views in a relatively short time, at least by the standards of American presidential campaigns. While Barack Obama is often seen as having been deeply influential in the Biden administration and having even greater influence over Kamala Harris, the reality is that it was Biden, not Obama, who turned Democrats against traditional sources of energy, including oil and gas. Obama was happy to take credit for falling CO2 emissions on his watch thanks to the growth of hydraulic fracturing, but Biden and now Kamala Harris have abandoned such pro-energy rhetoric.
By Michael Russell
Author of The Unfounding of America
TDS is rising. So is TDS.
Those who believe that a befuddled dotard and his scatterbrained cackling sidekick have been running their presidential show are clearly unaware of a bigger picture. No less vision-foreshortened, however, are chanting Trump-rally mobs. Joseph Robinette Biden is translucent regarding his dream of an anti-America globalist endgame, whereas Donald John Trump sports a cloak woven of words Americans want to hear. Biden-regime lackeys applaud whatever giveaways, guarantees, and government-knows-best restrictions their petty tyrants offer, trusting that when the music stops they'll get at least the edge of a chair. Trump devotees applaud what hope tells them is the answer to petty tyrants, believing with one eye while closing the other.
Until recently.
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