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March 01, 2015 - March 07, 2015
March 01, 2015 - March 07, 2015
  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 03:30pm - 07:00pm  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 04:00pm - 05:45pm  Meet N Greet: Resources For Literacy Link-Leamos Tutors  ::  Education

    Introduction to the Library's mobile computer lab and to Literacy Link - Leamos's (LLL) new website. For LLL tutors and people interested in tutoring.Light refreshments. Connect, enjoy, and learn something new! RSVP to 388-0892.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  388-0892

  • 07:30pm  "Sex Week" Seminar  ::  Education

    Western New Mexico University is partnering with community organizations to host Sex Week during the first week of March to educate the student body community about sexual practices and behaviors.Two nationally known speakers, Marshall Miller and KaeLyn Rich, will speak ...   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

    Contact  538-6139

  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Lunch & Learn: “Casas Grandes Meteorite”  ::  Education

    George Ruebelmann will talk about the famous Casas Grandes meteorite, discovered in one of the most complex archaeological sites in the Southwest.   

    Location  WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center

    Contact  538-6835

  • 02:00pm - 04:00pm  Basic Computer Skills Series  ::  Education

    FREE.  February 11-March 6. Limit of 14 students.Presented by WNMU Adult Education Services. Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, internet and emailing, and Microsoft Office basics.Call 574-5101 to register.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  538-3672

  • 03:30pm - 07:00pm  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 06:00pm - 09:00pm  Master Gardener Program  ::  Education

    The Grant County Extension Service is sponsoring this Master Gardener Program for the public. The classes run from March 4 through June 17, 2015,  each Wednesday evening from 6 pm – 9 pm.Specialists and experts in the Master Gardener Program ...   

    Location  Grant County Extension Complex

    Contact  388-1559

  • 07:00am - 09:00am  Tax Help New Mexico  ::  Education

    FREE. Monday through Thursdays, except March 9 to 13.WNMU students work as volunteers to help low income families with tax return preparation. All students are accounting or business majors and are required to pass an exam testing their knowledge of ...   

    Location  WNMU MEChA Building

    Contact  538-6336

  • 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Brown Bag Program: "The Grant County Rebellion of 1876”  ::  Education

    FREE.Melvyn Gelb will present “The Grant County Rebellion of 1876,” which was a declaration of independence and would allow Grant County to secede from New Mexico and become part of the state of Arizona.This talk will cover who was involved, why ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum Annex

    Contact  538-5921

  • 06:30pm  Artist's Lecture Series: Victoria Chick  ::  Education

    FREE and open to the public.The Mimbres Region Arts Council, in partnership with Western Institute for Lifelong Learning (WILL) and WNMU, is pleased to feature painter Victoria Chick in the final lecture of the 2014-2015 Artist Lecture Series.    

    Location  WNMU Parotti Recital Hall

    Contact  538-2505

  • 02:00pm - 04:00pm  Basic Computer Skills Series  ::  Education

    FREE.  February 11-March 6. Limit of 14 students.Presented by WNMU Adult Education Services. Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, internet and emailing, and Microsoft Office basics.Call 574-5101 to register.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  538-3672

  • 09:00am  Small Farm Conference  ::  Education

    The Grant, Hidalgo, Luna and Catron County Extension Services will be hosting a Small Farm Conference.Registration will begin promptly at 9 am with a $5 fee. The conference Includes:Visit to The Volunteer Center to view the work being done there ...   

    Location  Grant County Extension Complex

    Contact  388-1559

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