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January, 2012
  • Widowed Persons Service  ::  Spiritual

    Randy McGowan presents Cooke Peak   

  • "A Spiritual Approach to the Occupy Movement"  ::  Spiritual

    Rev. Azima Lila Forest will speak regarding spiritual support of this important dimension of our national and global life.  Coffee and conversation after the service.   

  • Faith Stories Event  ::  Spiritual

    January 27, 28, & 29.  Open to All.  A time of coming together and hearing real life stories of faith, led by Tom Riley.  Dinner at the Church, songs, and sharing.   

    Contact  538-3404

  • Faith Stories Event  ::  Spiritual

    January 27, 28, & 29.  Open to All.  A time of coming together and hearing real life stories of faith, led by Tom Riley.  Lunch at the Church, songs, and sharing.   

    Contact  538-3404

  • Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Circle dances celebrating the Sacred which unites all beings.  Chanting and live music.  No experience or partners needed.   

    Contact  534-1441

  • Faith Stories Event  ::  Spiritual

    January 27, 28, & 29.  Open to All.  A time of coming together and hearing real life stories of faith, led by Tom Riley.  Combined with Church service.   

    Contact  538-3404

  • "Putting the Co in Cooperate"  ::  Spiritual

    Consuelo Leal Hester will speak regarding the work of La Cooperativa de la Frontera, a trans-border cooperative to create independent livelihoods for women in Palomas and Columbus.  Coffe and conversation after the service.   

  • Fifth Sunday Singspiration  ::  Spiritual

    Free, public invited.   

    Contact  313-0797

February, 2012
  • "Bravo Road: An American Odyssey"  ::  Spiritual

    WNMU Professor Dr. Felipe de Ortego speaks about attacks on public education in the current New Mexico legislature.  Coffe and conversation after the service.   

  • TAIZE Worship Service  ::  Spiritual

    2nd Fridays. Sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer, silence, and prayers for healing.  A non-denominational service, free and open to all.    

    Contact  538-2015

  • Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Circle dances, chanting, and live music celebrating the sacred which unites all beings.   

    Contact  534-1441

  • "Up with People" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Ted Presler and selected members of "Up with People" will share their hopes and enthusiasm for the program coming to Silver City February 24th a& 25th.  The program provides young people an international and intercultural experience that teaches service leadership, ...   

  • Opening our Hearts - A Dance of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Led by "Wonder Bob" from Colorado and Barbara Anne from Gila.  Circle dances, chanting, and live music celebrating the sacred which unites all beings.   

    Contact  534-1441

  • "Transforming the Dragon"  ::  Spiritual

    Various spiritual practices for changing negative energy to positive, from the Sufi, Buddhist, Hawaiian, and American Indian spiritual traditions. All are welcome.   

    Contact  574-7805

  • "Loving David"  ::  Spiritual

    In honor of Valentine's Day, Rev. Tyler Connoley presents a story of three people from the Bible who loved King David.  Light refreshments following service.   

    Contact  538-0101

  • Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Circle dances, chanting, and live music celebrating the sacred which unites all beings.   

    Contact  534-1441

  • "Science & Religion"  ::  Spiritual

    Rev. Angela Herrera of Albuquerque presents a discussion of the history of controversy between the two, as well as more recent thoughts.  Followed by coffee and conversation.   

March, 2012
  • Jamie Thomson -- Councilman, Cyclist, & Puppeteer  ::  Spiritual

    Jamie Thompson will discuss how we might use the unlikely tools of giant puppets and public space to solve some of the most challenging problems facing us as a community and as a nation.  Live music with Bruce McKinney.  Service will ...   

  • TAIZE Worship Service  ::  Spiritual

    2nd Fridays. Sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer, silence, and prayers for healing.  A non-denominational service, free and open to all.    

    Contact  538-2015

  • "Climate Change -- Denial Ain't Just a River in Egypt"  ::  Spiritual

    Why hasn't the US taken climate change as seriously as, say, western Europe, which is way ahead of us in adopting clean energy technology? Doug Abbott will look at the role that denial has played.  Service will be followed by coffee ...   

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