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January, 2012
  • Presentation & Book Signing  ::  Education

    Colorado Moon by Jim Jones.   

  • Reading & Book Signing  ::  Education

    Too Personal for Words:  The Invisible Path of Aging by Bonnie Buckley Maldonado.  Light refreshments following.   

  • WILL Lunch & Learn  ::  Education

    The topic of this session is "Navajo Weaving: Then, Now, and in the Future."   

    Contact  538-6835

  • WILL Lunch & Learn  ::  Education

    “Beekeeping as a Hobby” by Travis Kirkland. Free to the public.   

    Contact  538-6835

  • Registration ENDS: Expanding Your Horizons Conference  ::  Education

    The American Assoc. of University Women is hosting the conference on February 25th for 5th through 8th grade girls in Grant, Catron, Luna, and Hidalgo counties.  Registration forms received from science or math teachers, and registration begins on 1/17/12 and ends on 1/26/12.  Registration required ...   

    Contact  Adrienne Dare at 388-2013

  • FOL Reading/Discussion Series  ::  Education

    First in a series of Friends of the Library moderated panel discussions.  This first topic is CRIME as presented in fiction and non-fiction.  The panel will include Mary Hotvedt and Jane Vanvig, a local author, and will be moderated by ...   

    Contact  534-4091

  • Book Discussion & Signing with Steven Havill  ::  Education

    This accomplished mystery writer discusses his newest book One Perfect Shot and some of his older ones, including four western novels and 18 contemporary mysteries set in New Mexico.   

    Contact  538-3672

  • Book Signing: "Twelve Hundred Miles by Horse & Burro"  ::  Education

    Authors Harley Shaw and Mara Weisenberger present their chronicle of a young man from West Texas.   

    Contact  538-5921

  • Rotary Peace Fellow: Zelie Pollon  ::  Education

    Rotary World Peace Fellow, Zelie Pollon, will speak on "The Healing Power of Testimony:  Voices from Survivors of the Khmer Rouge."  Free presentation by this award-winning independent journalist, focusing on social and humantiarian issues.   

February, 2012
  • WILL Lunch & Learn  ::  Education

    Dr. Joseph Shepard, WNMU President, will present "The First 180 Days of Transforming the Future Together."  Bring a bag lunch and your enthusiasm!   

    Contact  538-6835

  • Yarn Painting Chile Ristra Craft Class  ::  Education

    Craft class for children.  Call to pre-register:  538-5921.   

    Contact  538-5921

  • WNMU Family Expo  ::  Education

    WNMU hosts Grant County area parents interested in learning about enrollment options at the University.  High school students and parents will have the opportunity to interact and ask questions of WNMU students, faculty, and staff to learn about the admissions ...   

    Contact  538-6339

  • Author's Writing Workshop  ::  Education

    "Fruitful Questions: Generating Writing" is the title of this half-day workshop with author Sharman Apt Russell, sponsored by WILL and the Southwest Festival of the Written Word.  Register at   

  • WILL Lunch & Learn  ::  Education

    Ann Hedlund presents "Navajo Weaving: Then, Now, and in the Future."  Bring a bag lunch and your enthusiasm!   

    Contact  538-6835

  • Aspiration, Politics and Willpower  ::  Education

    Opening reception for the Museum's historical presentation of people behind the formation of the Territorial Normal School at Silver City.   

    Contact  538-6386

  • Love Your Library Day  ::  Education

    The Magic of Reading will be a carnival of activities focused on the power of reading and on the importance of families reading together.   

  • Centennial Brown Bag Lunch Series  ::  Education

    Susan Berry will present "Built to Last: The Eclectic Architecture of Silver City."   

    Contact  538-5921

  • Celebration of WNMU Writers  ::  Education

    Sharman Apt Russell, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, introduces readers including:  Dr. Joseph Shepard, Dr. Mark Chu, Dr. Mary Leen, Ann Marie Elder, Dr. Manda Jost, J.J. Wilson, Andrea Jaquez, and Dr. Suk-Jun Kim.  The event will show the ...   

  • Gila Native Plant Society Meeting  ::  Education

    Mark Dimmitt of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum will present a program entitled: "The Madrean Sky Island Archipelago: Summary of Recent Botanical Surveys with Notes on the Aftermath of the Monument Fire in the Huachuca Mountains."  Refreshments following the program.   

  • Evolution of Music  ::  Education

    Celebrate Black History Month and the influence of African American musicians on the evolution of music from past to present.   

    Contact  538-6611

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