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January, 2012
  • The Sunday Morning Cup  ::  Arts & Music

    Music, coffee, etc.  9:30 to 11:30 am, Yankie Creek Coffee House, Yankie & Texas Sts.   

  • Soft Sunday Breakfast and Music  ::  Arts & Music


  • LGBT Brunch  ::  Social Events


  • Statehood Day Celebration  ::  Social Events

    New Mexico Centennial Exhibits – 9 am to 5 pm, Silver City Museum, 312 BroadwayDowntown Galleries Centennial EventsChildren’s Activities – Lego Mindstorm, 3:30 to 5:00 pm, Silver City Museum, 312 BroadwayWNMU Campus History Exhibit – 2:00 to 4:30 pm at ...   

  • LGBT Brunch  ::  Social Events


  • Widowed Persons Service  ::  Spiritual

    Randy McGowan presents Cooke Peak   

  • Brown Bag Lunch Series  ::  Social Events

    WNMU Professor Magdaleno Manzanarez presents the Statehood Centennial topic "The Centennial: Latinos in Political Perspectives."   

  • Santa Clara City Council Meeting  ::  Public Meetings


  • Hu Dost Concert  ::  Arts & Music

    An Intimate Evening of Song:  Sufi Kirtan, Neo Folk, World Rock, Country & Eastern Fusion   

  • Music at the Coffee House  ::  Arts & Music

    Jonny Mahaffey performs the blues.    

  • MRAC Folk Series at the Opera House  ::  Arts & Music

    Gregory Alan Isakov performs his lyrical masterpieces.   

    Contact  538-2505

  • Doug Snyder  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

  • Kitchen Creations Class  ::  Health & Wellness

    FREE hands-on Nutrition Cooking Class, for healthy living. FREE cookbooks at end of class. Sign up at 388-1559.   

    Contact  388-1559

  • Friends of the Library Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Members may purchase books starting at 9:00 am; non-members at 10:00 am.   

  • Historic Fort Bayard Tour  ::  Public Meetings

    2nd & 4th Saturdays. See the 100 year old buildings and relive some of the history of our important fort and hospital.    

    Contact  956-3294

  • Nutcracker Ballet  ::  Arts & Music

    Conservatory of Dance presents this classic.    

    Contact  538-5865

  • FBHPS Membership Dinner  ::  Social Events

    David Remley, author of Kit Carson: The Life of an American Border Man, will focus on Kit Carson and the military of the Southwest. Cecilia Bell will present the status of old Fort Bayard and goals for 2012. Reservations at 956-3294. ...   

    Contact  536-3161

  • Mystical Dance Evening  ::  Arts & Music

    Dances of Universal Peace that celebrate the unity of all spiritual traditions with live music, chanting, and circle dances.    

  • 12th Night Dance  ::  Arts & Music

    Bayou Seco and the Mullany Family Band perform this benefit for Silver Nights Concert Series. Children are welcome.    

    Contact  534-0298

  • Rhythm Mystic  ::  Arts & Music


    Contact  538-9911

This calendar will feature events and happenings in SW New Mexico and SE Arizona. 

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