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January, 2014
  • "Connected but Alone" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Doug Abbott, a member of the Fellowship, will moderate comments after watching a TED talk by Sherry Turkle called "Connected but Alone." The talk is about how digital devices and online personnas are re-defining human connection and communication.Please join us. ...   

  • "Chemtrails: No Longer a Conspiracy Theory" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

     Rev. Azaima is an interfaith minister, passionate about tranformation and healing; she has developed a healing modality called "Heart Lightning" to lift emotional blocks and restore serenity. Azaima will speak on "Chemtrails: No longer a conspiracy theory. Finding the courage to ...   

  • Silver City-Grant County Widowed Persons Service  ::  Spiritual

    2nd Mondays.All singles are welcome.   

    Location  Glad Tidings Church

    Contact  537-3643

  • "Conversation With Ourselves"  ::  Spiritual

    The topic of this week's service, "Conversation With Ourselves," will be a continuation of ideas discussed at the November 3 service on "Covenants."Please join us. There will be coffee and (more) conversation, with light refreshments, after the service.   

  • "Share the Mirth!" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    The service will be led by Mary Ann Finn, RN and certified Laughter Yoga teacher. Experience the health benefits of laughter and its positive effect on stress. Join us and share the mirth!There will be coffee and conversation, with light ...   

February, 2014
  • "The Life, Times, Discoveries and Explanation of Natural Selection" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Dr. Jack Carter will speak on "The Life, Times, Discoveries and Explanation of Natural Selection: Charles Darwin's Contribution to the Life Sciences." We invite you to join us as we celebrate his life and contribution to living things on Earth.There will ...   

  • "We Are Hope" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Emma Bailey and Alicia Edwards will talk about the ordinary lives of the people who live in Ciudad Juarez. "We Are Hope" is the story of a small group of women living in that city who have come together to ...   

  • "What Does Prayer Do?" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    The Rev. Angela Herrera will speak on "What Does Prayer Do?" ...and how do you do it when God a) does not have ears, or b) is not a relevant concept in your life?Please join us. Copies of Rev. Herrera's ...   

  • "Dispelling the Myths of Hospice" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Siri Dharma Khalsa will speak about "Dispelling the Myths of Hospice." Her talk will focus on myths that are prevalent about "hospice," including the myth that "there is nothing worse than death."Please join us. There will be coffee and conversation, ...   

March, 2014
  • "Kindness is My Religion" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    The Rev. Tyler Connoley will talk about kindness as a spiritual practice. The Dalai Lama says, "Kindness is my religion." Tyler will challenge us to be consciously kind for the forty days of Lent, beginning March 5.Join us. There will ...   

  • "Surrender and Gain Control" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Jeff Goin, a volunteer meditation teacher, will present "Surrender and Gain Control" about gaining control over our lives through understanding that the only thing we have control of is our own mind.  Jeff will draw from The Untethered Soul a book ...   

  • Taizé Service  ::  Spiritual

    FREE. 2nd Fridays.Taizé-style worship consists of sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer and silence.  The service is non–denominational, and all are welcome.Doors of the church are open at 5:00 pm for silent contemplation.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • "Western UU Life Festival" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Constance Albrecht and Howard Schwartzman will speak about the "Western UU Life Festival" (WUULF) camp, which they attended in June, 2013. It is held every year at Ghost Ranch, NM.Please join us. There will be coffee and conversation, with light ...   

  • "What Jesus Really Said" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Ordained interfaith minister Mariam Weidner will discuss "What Jesus Really Said." Our special musical guest will be Bruce McKinney.Please join us. There will be coffee and conversation, with light refreshments, after the service.   

  • "Casa de Amor para los Ninos" Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Tom Bates, former City Manager of Silver City (and more recently of Deming), will speak about "Casa de Amor para los Ninos," an orphanage in Palomas which is supported by an ecumenical group of churches. Tom will also speak about ...   

April, 2014
  • Labyrinth Building Presentation  ::  Spiritual

    Connie Thibeau-Catsis and Lynda Aiman-Smith will talk about the mythology, history, and the idea of labyrinth building. Both Connie and Lynda have investigated the symbolic and spiritual nature of walking and building labyrinths and will share some of the life-long ...   

  • "Silent Voices for Victims"  ::  Spiritual

    Join for 15 minutes of silence to honor victims of crime, their friends, and families.Part of Sexual Assault Awarness Month and National Crime Victims' Rights Week.   

    Location  Gough Park

    Contact  313-6203

  • Taizé Service  ::  Spiritual

    FREE. 2nd Fridays.Taizé-style worship consists of sung prayer, alternating with spoken scripture readings, spoken prayer and silence.  The service is non–denominational, and all are welcome.Doors of the church are open at 5:00 pm for silent contemplation.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • Aramaic Lord's Prayer  ::  Spiritual

    Silver City United Church of Christ will practice body prayer with the Aramaic Lord's Prayer, led by ordained inter-faith minister Mariam Weidner.Explore the wisdom of Jesus as a native mystic of the Middle East. Experience his words as originally spoken ...   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  519-4103

  • Kindness Celebration!  ::  Spiritual

    Silver City United Church of Christ will cap its 40 Days of Kindness project with a Kindness Celebration!All are welcome as we celebrate kindness, and share what we've learned during our forty day experiment. This is not a church service, ...   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  956-3316

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