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January, 2015
  • Silver City Woman's Club Meeting  ::  Social Events

    2nd Fridays.   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  575-538-3452

  • Audubon Society Field Trip  ::  Social Events

    We will head to Lake Roberts, hoping that wintering duck are continuing to use the lake despite the reduction in water level.Meet at the Fine Arts Center parking lot for carpooling. Bring suitable clothing, lunch, and drinks.We expect to be back in Silver ...   

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

    Contact  388-4210

  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Service: "Immigration"  ::  Social Events

    We will hold a conversation with ourselves on Immigration. There are so many questions. We will address as many as we can and try to come up with some answers - please come to listen and share your thoughts. Rev. ...   

  • AARP Widowed Persons Service  ::  Social Events

    Monthly, 2nd Mondays. All singles are welcome.Cost for lunch is $12.   

    Location  Glad Tidings Church

    Contact  537-3643

  • WILL Sign Up Social  ::  Social Events

    The public is invited free of charge to Western Institute for Lifelong Learning's (WILL) Spring Semester Sign-up Social.An overview meeting about the benefits of a $75 annual WILL membership takes place at 5:30 pm, and course registration begins at 6:00 ...   

    Location  WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center

    Contact  538-6835

  • Gila Native Plant Society Meeting  ::  Social Events

    FREE and open to the public.Richard Felger of the University of Arizona Herbarium and Sky Island Alliance will give a presentation, New Food Crops: Half a Century of Botanical Adventures.Refreshments will be served after the program.   

    Location  WNMU Harlan Hall

    Contact  (240) 463-0107

  • Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society Membership Dinner  ::  Social Events

    Following dinner, guest speaker Liz Mikols will present her research on Chaplain Allen Allensworth. Allenworth, born into slavery in 1842, escaped to serve in the Union Army, later became a Baptist minister and educator. and was appointed as a chaplain ...   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  388-4477

  • Martin Luther King Day Celebration  ::  Social Events

    FREE and open to the public.The theme for this year's event is education. More than 200 students from elementary, middle, and high schools in Grant County submitted essays for the event entitled "The Dream: What It Means To Me." The ...   

    Location  WNMU Dining Hall

    Contact  538-6336

  • Lotus Center Opening Celebration  ::  Social Events

    FREE and open to the public.Much of the day will consist of short (as in, a half-hour or so) "sampler" courses. Thus, folks will have an opportunity try out different practices of various forms of moving arts and mindfulness practices. Reception ...   

  • Audubon Society Field Trip  ::  Social Events

    We will undertake the popular Animas/Bootheel trip. This is a long, full dayof birding, mostly from the roadside. We will start birding at the Animas turn off of I-10 and continue all the way to Cloverdale by the Mexican border.Meet ...   

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

    Contact  388-4210

February, 2015
  • "Is There Hope for Public Education in Silver City" Presentation  ::  Social Events

    Educator Justin Wecks, retired Human Resources professional Frances Vasquez and retired elementary school teacher Fred Baca will join in a forum to ask, "Is there hope in Silver City for our right to public education with justice, equity and compassion?"The program is ...   

  • Silver City Photo Club  ::  Social Events

    Photography demonstration each month. Members are encouraged to bring 3-4 images based on a monthly theme. Contact to be added to the Photo Club's mail list for each month's activities and theme.   

  • Audubon Society Field Trip  ::  Social Events

    This SWNM Audubon Field Trip will be to Axle Canyon Reserve.We will leave Silver City from the south parking lot of WNMU Fine Arts Center at 8:00am, returning at 1:00pm. Bring your lunch, drinks and sturdy shoes to walk. Expect ...   

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

    Contact  388-2386

  • Widowed and Single Persons of Grant County  ::  Social Events

    2nd Mondays. Cost for lunch is $12. All singles are welcome.    

    Location  Glad Tidings Church

    Contact  575-537-3643

  • Black History Month Lunch  ::  Social Events

    Western New Mexico University is commemorating Black History Month with several events celebrating the history and culture of Black America during the month of February.Black History Month Lunch costs $8.00 plus tax for non-students.   

    Location  WNMU Dining Hall

    Contact  538-6336

  • WNMU 122nd Birthday Celebration!  ::  Social Events

    Western New Mexico University will host a Founders Day celebration in honor of the university's 122nd birthday.Visitors are welcome to enjoy birthday cake and live music at the University Museum. The musical talents of WNMU international students will entertain guests.   

    Location  WNMU Museum

    Contact  538-6336

  • Gila Back Country Horseperson's Association Meeting  ::  Social Events

    2nd Wednesdays.Guests and interested parties welcome! Presentations on subjects related to horseback trail riding and packing in the Gila.    

    Location  Gila Regional Medical Center

  • Silver City Woman's Club Meeting  ::  Social Events

    2nd Fridays.   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  575-538-3452

  • WWII - Iwo Jima Honorees Luncheon  ::  Social Events

    The 'League' will honor 3 local Marines who 'hit the beaches' on Iwo Jima February19, 1945. Just think, 70 years ago. Those 'brothers' are: Curtis Maxwell, Eugene Lewis and Felipe Ortego.Luncheon will be catered by WNMU. The cost is $12 per ...   

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center

    Contact  574-0361

  • Holiday Inn Express Grand Re-Opening Reception  ::  Social Events

    The public is invited to witness the community's top movers and shakers dive into the hotel's new salt-water pool and get soaked to the bone in potentially wintry conditions.A Silver City/Grant County Chamber Of Commerce ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place ...   

    Location  Holiday Inn Express

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