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February, 2016
  • Last Day to Make Reservations for Rotary Fundraiser Dinner  ::  Fundraiser

    Reservations for the four-course dinner with paired wines must be made by today. Tickets are $65 per person. Proceeds from silent auction will benefit High Desert Humane Society. The dinner is on February 13 at Bear Mountain Lodge.   

    Contact or 575-538-2538

  • "Date Night" in Parotti Recital Hall  ::  Fundraiser

    First seating is at 5:30 pm; second seating is at 7:30 pm. Spaghetti dinner, a rose and a photograph. $15 for full-time students; $20 for others. Benefits American Association of University Women.   

    Location  WNMU Parotti Recital Hall

    Contact  575-538-6617

  • English Tea Party in Parotti Recital Hall  ::  Fundraiser

    Tea, small sandwiches, cookies and cake. $10 for a table for two; $15 for a table for three; $20 for a table for four. Families welcome. Money raised will be used to repair pianos.   

    Location  WNMU Parotti Recital Hall

    Contact  575-538-6449

  • Rotary Fundraiser Dinner to Benefit High Desert Humane Society  ::  Fundraiser Tickets are $65 per person. Reservations for the four course meal with paired wines must be made by Monday, February 8.   

    Location  Bear Mountain Lodge

    Contact or 575-538-2538

  • Reusable Item Drop-off at the Landfill  ::  Fundraiser

    Volunteers will unload for you before the scale. Items go to Habitat for Humanity ReStore.    

    Contact  575-519-8987 or 575-534-9727

March, 2016
  • Church of the Good Shepherd Garage Sale  ::  Fundraiser   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd


  • It Takes a Village Flea Market and Potluck  ::  Fundraiser

    All kinds of gently used items for sale. Enjoy music, bring a dish to share.   

    Location  It Takes A Village

  • Musical Storyteller and Political Satirist Charlie King  ::  Fundraiser

    Concert to benefit RAICES, the Refugee and Immigran Center for Education and Legal Services. Suggested donation $10.   

  • Friends of the Library Spring Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser   

    Location  1510 Market Street

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Pottery Sale by WNMU Friends of Clay  ::  Fundraiser

    Proceeds benefit WNMU's clay program.   

    Location  208 N. Bullard

  • Artwork Due for "Gone to the Dogs"  ::  Fundraiser

    Submissions of dog artwork for the Juried Show at the Place@108 is due by 11 am. Send photos to Notification of acceptance no later than March 23.   

    Location  The Place @ 108

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 575-388-2410 or 575-388.1843

  • Gone to the Dogs: The Place @ 108 Art Reception  ::  Fundraiser   

    Location  The Place @ 108

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 575-388-2410 or 575-388.1843

April, 2016
  • Silver City Blues Society Benefit Dance  ::  Fundraiser Tickets are $20 and include membership in the Society.   

    Location  Old Elk's Club

    Contact or 575-538-2505

  • Church of the Good Shepherd Garage Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Clothing, bedding, books tools, electronics, dishes and collectables. All the clothing you can fit into a bag is $2 after 11 am.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • Calvary Christian Academy Motorcycle Run Fundraiser  ::  Fundraiser

    Lunch and raffle; $20 per bike.   

    Location  Baptist Church

    Contact  575-519-8692

  • PFLAG Scholarship Benefit Dance  ::  Fundraiser   

    Location  Buckhorn Opera House

    Contact  575-590-8797 or

  • "A" CollAge-A-Rama Eclectic Rice Bowl Extravaganza  ::  Fundraiser

    Includes assorted condiments, dessert, refreshments, artworks raffle and live music. $15.   

    Location  A Space Studio Art Gallery

    Contact  575-538-3333 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Church of the Good Shepherd Garage Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Clothes, books, collectibles, toys and more! After 11:00 am fill a bag with clothes for just $2.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • 5th Annual ¡Pedalista!  ::  Fundraiser

    Free music and bicycle games for the entire family. Bicycle raffle prize tickets and wood-fired pizza for $5. Fundraiser for The BikeWorks. Volunteeers needed.   

    Location  Gough Park

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 970-275-0698 or

May, 2016
  • Silver City Woman's Club 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournamen  ::  Fundraiser

    Sign up deadline is May 10, Tournement is May 21.   

    Contact  Carolee Cross at 650-862-7625 or 575-654-3550 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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