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January, 2017
  • NM CAP Entity  ::  Public Meetings

    The New Mexico Central Arizona Project Entity will meet at 9 a.m. at the Grant County Administration Center to address its agenda.   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

  • NM CAP Entity  ::  Public Meetings

    The New Mexico Central Arizona Project Entity meeting will take place Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2017, beginning at 9 a.m. to address the agenda items   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

    Contact  575-542-9341

  • Grant County Board of Commissioners Work Session  ::  Public Meetings

    The general purpose of the County Work Session is to inform the Grant County Board of Commissioners of the Agenda items that will be addressed at the next Regular Meeting, and for the Department Heads and other Elected Officials to ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center


  • Silver City Town Council Meeting  ::  Public Meetings


    Location  Grant County Administration Center


  • Grant County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    I. Call to Order; II. Pledge of Allegiance & Salute to State Flag; III. Election and Approval of 2017 Chairperson and Vice Chairperson; IV. Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda; V. Public Input -  During this portion of our meeting, we welcome your suggestions and ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center


  • Copper Country Senior Olympics Regular Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Participant and the public are invited to attend.   

    Location  Grant County Extension Office Conference Room

    Contact  575-538-9286

  • ACLU-NM Southwestern Chapter Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    All ACLU members and members of the public are invited to join us for dinner and informal discussion at 5 PM, followed by the business meeting at 6 PM, as we plan our course forward in this new year. Public ...   

    Location  Little Toad Creek Brewery

    Contact  575-590-4809 or

  • Grant County Association of Educational Retirees Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    All persons receiving Educational Retirements are urged to attend. GCAER is an affiliate of New Mexico Association of Educational Retirees and represents retired school personnel of all levels. Educational retirees from other states and systems are welcome. Certified and Classified ...   

    Location  WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria

    Contact  575-538-5747

  • Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society Annual Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    The cost of the dinner is $15 / person. Doors open at 6 PM and dinner will be served at 6:30. Please call 575-956-3294 or 575-574-2573 before January 11, Following dinner, Dr. Douglas Dinwiddie will share "Boomtown. Battlefield and Broken ...   

    Location  Silver City Woman's Club

    Contact  575-956-3294 or 575-574-2573 to make reservations.

  • People's Processsion Banner-Making Workshop  ::  Public Meetings

    Design the banner that declares what you stand for when we walk united for diversity, compassion, & justice during the People’s Procession. A few supplies will be provided, but if you can bring your own and some to share—waterfast paint ...   

    Location  The Volunteer Center


  • Fire Equipment Vendors Information Session  ::  Public Meetings

    The USDA Forest Service Southwestern Region announces an information meeting for vendors interested in providing resources to support wildfires and other emergency incidents. The first meeting will focus on Tents, Fuel Tenders, and Mechanic w/Service Truck resources andis scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, ...   

    Location  Gila National Forest Supervisor's Office/Silver City Ranger Station

    Contact  http;// or

  • Silver City Co-op Board Meeting  ::  Public Meetings


    Location  Market Cafe Community Room

  • Learning Center for Dyslexia and Academic Success Meeting  ::  Public Meetings


    Location  Silver City Masonic Lodge Hall

  • Aldo Leopold Governing Council Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    If you have a disability requiring special assistance, notify the school at 575-538-2547 as soon as possible and arrangements will be made.   

    Location  Aldo Leopold Charter School

    Contact  575-538-2547

  • Grant County Search and Rescue  ::  Public Meetings

    Grant County Search and Rescue meets the third Thursday each month at 6:30 p.m. at the EMS Building on 32nd Street next to the Hospital parking lot. We are a professional, all-volunteer team welcoming new members with outdoors skills to ...   

    Location  Gila Regional Medical Center


  • Grant Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting  ::  Public Meetings


    Location  Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office

    Contact  575-388-1569

  • Fire Equipment Vendors Information Session  ::  Public Meetings

    The USDA Forest Service Southwestern Region announces an information meeting for vendors interested in providing resources to support wildfires and other emergency incidents. The second meeting will focus on Heavy Equipment resources and is scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2017, ...   

    Location  Gila National Forest Supervisor's Office/Silver City Ranger Station (Copy)

    Contact or

  • Grant County Lodgers Tax Advisory Board Meeting  ::  Public Meetings


    Location  Grant County Administration Center

  • Copper Country Senior Olympics Annual Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    All participants and public are invited to attend.   

    Location  Polo Sierra LULAC Hall

    Contact  575-538-9286

  • Public Hearing for an Ordinance Authorizing a Tax Rebate for Low Income Property Taxpayers  ::  Public Meetings

    A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for inspection during normal business hours at the Grant County Clerk’s Office, located in the Grant County Administration Building at 1400 Highway 180 East, Silver The Ordinance will be considered at a ...   

    Location  Grant County Administration Center

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