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Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.
Location College Plaza Suite #16
Contact 575-597-0035 or email
NOVA Science Film Series: How Does the Brain Work? :: Education
Join us each month from January through May for a series of NOVA documentaries on a variety of fascinating science topics! In January, embark on an exploration of your own mind with the NOVA ScienceNOW production How Does the Brain ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.
Location College Plaza Suite #16
Contact 575-597-0035 or email
"Interpreting Mimbres Women's Lives" :: Education
Dr. Cynthia Ann Bettison will speak about the lives of prehistoric Mimbres women. Were they like us? What did they do on a daily basis, how hard was life back in prehistory, how long did they live, and what did ...
Location Silver City Museum Annex
Contact 575-538-5921 or www.silvercitymuseum.org
"Beyond the Boardroom: What Boards Should Know and Do to Create a Thriving Nonprofit Organization" Workshop :: Education
The four-hour workshop costs $25 per participant. MUST RSVP. During this Nonprofit Resource Group’s workshop, both new & experienced board members will learn about the fundamental roles, responsibilities & functions of nonprofit boards a& how these roles are evolving. Includes tools, ...
Location HMS Community Health Center
Contact 575-597-0035 or
Open Technology Lab :: Education
Practice computer skills and ask questions. Try out tablets and 2-in-1 devices provided by the library. Bring your own laptop or mobile device for troubleshooting. Knowledgeable library staff and volunteers will be available to help. Free, no registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
Silver City Woman's Club Scholarships :: Education
Two major Silver City Woman's’ Club Scholarships are available. Due Date: April 4, 2017-No exceptions. Requirements to apply: bio, contact information and transcript.
Location Silver City Woman's Club
Contact Vera MacGregor 575-534-0505
"Boots, Suits and Citizens: New Mexico's Unique Legislative Culture" :: Education
Our citizens’ legislature is a reflection of the state’s history—the divide between the rural and urban lifestyles, the unique mix of ethnic groups, and the personal and familial connections at the heart of a small state. This talk illustrates this ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.
Location College Plaza Suite #16
Contact 575-597-0035 or email
Technology Workshop - Internet Basics :: Education
Free workshop on how to safely search the internet and how to use it as a resource. Presented by Adult Education Services. Job-seekers, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to boost their work skills are especially encouraged to attend. No registration necessary. ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
Sign Up Social for WILL (Western Institute of Lifelong Learning :: Education
Everyone is welcome as Western Institute of Lifelong Learning (WILL) hosts it spring semester social. Find out what's new this semester, meet the fall course facilitators, become a WILL member, and sign up for as many courses as you like. ...
Location WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
Contact 575-538-6835 or www.will-learning.com or
Theatrical Stage Management Class :: Education
Offered by Silver City Community Theatre and covering the basics of stage management. Cost is $40 and includes workbook and sample forms. Deadline for registration: 1/14/17. Location to be determined.
Contact Ted Presler 575-519-8375 or
Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.
Location College Plaza Suite #16
Contact 575-597-0035 or email
Lunch & Learn -"Demographic Growth and Political Power: The Latino Reality in the United States" :: Education
Bring your lunch, bring a friend, or just bring yourself!
Location WNMU Global Resource Center ABC Room
Contact 575-538-6835 or www.will-learning.com or
Technology Workshop - Email Basics :: Education
Free workshop on how to use email professionally, attach files/pictures, and how to manage email. Presented by Adult Education Services. Job-seekers, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to boost their work skills are especially encouraged to attend. No registration necessary. There are ...
Location Silver City Public Library
Contact 575-538-3672 or
"Oral Histories of the Chinese Presence in Grant County" Taping :: Education
Paula Geisler Productions will be taping "Oral Histories of The Chinese Presence in Grant County" "We invite everyone who has a memory they are willing to share to come on over and bear witness. We''ll have refreshments...and people like you ...
Location Hurley Community Center
Curbside Consulting :: Education
FREE! Help for non-profits or those considering one. Every Wednesday, by appointment only.
Location College Plaza Suite #16
Contact 575-597-0035 or email
Brown Bag: Your 990 & Other Financial Responsibilities :: Education
Certified Public Accountant Mattie Eagle helps nonprofits focus on the informational nature of the 990, and the importance of board and executive review of portions of the return before signing. On the numbers side, Eagle discusses ways to help organize ...
Location 301 W. College Street Plaza Ste 5
Contact RSVP at Eventbrite.com or 575-534-0101 ext. 2108 or
WILL (Western Institute for Lifelong Learning) Lunch & Learn: "Hot Cross Buns and Spotted Dick" :: Education
WILL presents Brian Dolton's talk, “Hot Cross Buns and Spotted Dick: Why English Food Isn't One of the World's Great Cuisines." Bring your lunch, bring a friend, or just bring yourself! Free.
Location WNMU Global Resource Center ABC Room
Contact 575-538-6835 or www.will-learning.com or
Common Wednesdays at the Volunteer Center: "Cooked" a Documentary :: Education
A documentary series that explores food through the lenses of the four natural elements. In the 'fire' episode that we'll watch this month, Pollan delves into the cross-cultural tradition of barbeque.
Location The Volunteer Center
Contact 575-388-2988
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Disclaimer: If you find errors in articles not written by the Beat team but sent to us from other content providers, please contact the writer, not the Beat. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. We can fix errors, but please give details on where the error is so we can find it. News releases from government and non-profit entities are posted generally without change, except for legal notices, which incur a small charge.
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