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January, 2018
  • Friends of the Silver City Public Library Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Hardback and trade paperback books are priced at $1.00 each and paperbacks at $0.50 each. In some cases, books may be priced higher. Weather permitting, clearance items sales take place in the parking lot where visitors can purchase a bag ...   

    Location  FOL Bookstore


  • "Evening in Spain" Dinner and Performance  ::  Fundraiser

    Tickets for sale in the Silver City Museum Society store for $150 per person. Space is limited. Begins with a private tour of the newest exhibition Flamenco: From Spain to New Mexico. Guests will then travel from the museum to ...   

    Location  Silver City Museum

    Contact  Ticket purchases by phone at 575-538-5921 ext. 2

February, 2018
  • Valentine's Wine Dinner Sponsored by Rotary Club of Silver city  ::  Fundraiser

    Reservations must be made no later than Tuesday, February 6. The dinner includes a four-course meal, each course to be accompanied by a paired glass of wine. Tickets are $70 per person, including tax, gratuity and one glass of wine with ...   

    Location  Bear Mountain Lodge

    Contact  For Reservations: Linda Patterson 575-534-1135

March, 2018
  • Friends of the Silver City Public Library Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Hardback and trade paperback books are priced at $1.00 each and paperbacks at $0.50 each. In some individual cases, books may be priced higher. Weather permitting, clearance items sales take place in the FOL parking lot where visitors can purchase ...   

    Location  FOL Bookstore


  • Rotary Club of Silver City Murder Mystery Dinner/Fundraiser  ::  Fundraiser

    Admission is $5. Enjoy a three-course dinner and "Spies Like Us," a murder mystery presented by the Silver City Community Theater. There will be a dessert auction. The beneficiaries of the event will be the Rotary Foundation's Scholarship Fund and ...   

    Location  WNMU Student Cafeteria


  • High Desert Sportsmen gun show  ::  Fundraiser

    The High Desert Sportsmen's annual gun show will take place Saturday, March 17 and Sunday, March 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.   

    Location  Grant County Conference Center

  • High Desert Sportsmen gun show  ::  Fundraiser

    The High Desert Sportsmen's annual gun show is this weekend Saturday, March 17, 9-5 and Sunday, March 18 9-3 at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center   

    Location  Grant County Conference Center

  • Lotus Center Spiritual Book Fundraiser  ::  Fundraiser

    If you have a book donation, you can leave it during lobby hours, M-F, 10am-2-pm. We will be continuing to hold these Spiritual Book Sales on a quarterly basis: On the Summer and Winter Solstices, and Spring and Fall Equinoxes.   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • Town & Country Garden Thrift Shop Spring Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Grand Reopening! A festive array of lovely new (to you!) spring & summer clothes, plus a lot of free stuff & an entirely new shop: repainted, reorganized.   

    Location  Town and Country Garden Thrift Store

  • Enchilada Dinner Sponsored by LGBTQ Grant County  ::  Fundraiser

    Advance tickets or reseravtions can be had at Javalinas Coffee House or by phone or email. Dinner tickets are $8 ($6 for kids 10 and under) each and dinner includes red cheese enchilada casserole, rice, beans and salad. Drinks offered ...   

    Location  The Volunteer Center

    Contact  Advance tickets: or Ted at 575.654-3851

April, 2018
  • Glenwood Woman's Club Rummage Sale  ::  Fundraiser

     Donations may be dropped off Friday April 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. No used electronics will be accepted.   

    Location  Glenwood Community Center

  • Glenwood Community Library Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Lots of books and DVDs to appeal to different readers and viewers.    

    Location  Glenwood Library

  • Fiber Arts Stash Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Benefits the Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective. Members are clearing out their stashes of yarn, fabric, books and supplies! This is a great way to get high quality fiber art supplies at a great price. The SW Women's Fiber Arts ...   

    Location  1905 N. Cactus St.


  • Neanderthal Ball  ::  Fundraiser

    Caveman couture and pet dinosaurs will rock the Neanderthal Ball, the 7th annual PFLAG Silver City scholarship benefit dance. Tickets are $10 per person/ $5 for WNMU students with a current, valid ID, and will be sold at the door. ...   


    Location  Old Elk's Club

    Contact  575-590-8797 or

  • Bowl for Kids' Sake  ::  Fundraiser

    Fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Fundraisers can start a team, join a team, become a virtual bowler, or make a donation to a Big and Little team so they can bowl. Each bowler must raise $100 or more, or ...   

    Location  Silver Bowling Center

    Contact  575-449-2728 or,

  • Rotary Yard Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    The sale will feature items donated by families of members and friends of the Rotary Club. It will benefit Fort Bayard National Cemetery.   

May, 2018
  • Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church Lunches  ::  Fundraiser

    Your choice BBQ Brisket, BBQ Ribs, BBQ Chicken; with beans and potato salad and a roll, good sized portions for the price of $7 per plate. Delivery with five or more orders. Available the first Friday of every month.   

    Location  Brewer Hill Missionary Baptist Church

    Contact  Order in advance: 575-590-0928 or 575-936-0020

  • Garage Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Clothes, toys, books, tools, housewares, and more! Fill a bag with clothes after 11:00am for only $2.   

    Location  6th Street at Texas

  • Give Grandly! Give Local! Day  ::  Fundraiser

    Anyone anywhere will can donate online at anytime between 12:01 am and 11:59 pm on May 5. Support 50+ non-profit organizations serving Grant, Luna, Catron and Hidalgo counties. These diverse non-profits cover important gaps in governmental or private sector programs, ...   

    Location  Silver City Farmers Market


  • Aldo Leopold Charter School Fundraising and Pledge Drive  ::  Fundraiser

    The event, “Above and Beyond the Classroom” underscores the experiential education teaching philosophy of the school. It will be held at Western New Mexico University’s Miller Library with dinner, music and presentations. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at ...   

    Location  Aldo Leopold Charter School

    Contact  Call 575-538-2547 to reserve your tickets.

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