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January, 2018
  • Journey Into Light: Guidance and Inspiration for the New Year With Azima Forest  ::  Spiritual

    The very beginning of the New Year is a special and sacred time, a time to reflect on how we wish to live our lives during this next trip around the sun. Bring with you the intention to receive guidance ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Community Kirtan  ::  Spiritual

    Join Manda Jost for an evening of musical chanting and singing to the ancient melodies of Classical India. It's easy and it brings peace. No experience necessary; everyone is welcome! Donations appreciated.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-956-6647

  • "History of HIV/AIDS" - Hugh Epping  ::  Spiritual

    Hugh Epping will talk about the history of HIV/AIDS from a health care provider’s perspective; and about the social issues facing not only those who are infected, but also those affected by their associations with them. This week is a Children’s ...   

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  • Community Drumming Circle  ::  Spiritual

    Host: Lynda Aiman-Smith. Bring a drum, a rattle, a flute, a didgeridoo, bells... bring a friend... and an open heart. Open to the public; donations appreciated.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-956-6647

  • "The Power of Intention"  ::  Spiritual

    During the time that many people make New Year’s resolutions, thinking about how they want to live in the coming year, Rev. Azima Lila Forest will focus on setting intentions as a spiritual practice. There will also be a New ...   

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  • "3000 Cups of Tea"  ::  Spiritual

    What should social justice and peace building programs look like? Inspired by the documentary "3000 Cups of Tea" Karen Bendiktson will share thoughts about how media, personal responsibility and organizational structure affect our opportunities to create change. This week is ...   

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February, 2018
  • "Our Story. Our Voice. DACA: What's Next?"  ::  Spiritual

    Hear from local students who have been protected under DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Listen to their stories and their successes and learn about the DACA program that was recently rescinded by the Trump administration. Find out about ...   

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  • "The Invisible Underside of Poverty in America"   ::  Spiritual

    A flurry of recent books has brought attention to what is happening in our country, with more people slipping into poverty, yet remaining almost invisible to the news. Sunny Kellerman will facilitate a discussion of poverty in America. This will ...   

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  • "Buddhism & Activism"  ::  Spiritual

    Algernon d’Ammassa will present a talk looking at the stories and metaphors we use to describe a spiritual path, which is itself a metaphor. Although this is not a Family Program Sunday, there will be childcare available for parents who ...   

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  • Medicine Buddha Meditation  ::  Spiritual

    A wonderful practice of healing for ourselves and others.   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • "In Praise of Destruction"  ::  Spiritual

    Heidi Ogas will talk about what her father, a Unitarian Universalist minister,  used to tell her. Look at the importance of the downs as well as the ups in life. Heidi Ogas is a long-time Silver City resident and member ...   

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  • The Teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh  ::  Spiritual

    George Farmer, a long-time follower of Thich Nhat, will describe the work and philosophy of teachings and philosophy of Thay, and explain how these teachings and practices can bring peace to our own lives, and the world. People of all ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-956-6647

March, 2018
  • "Spirituality Without God"  ::  Spiritual

    Christine Robinson, retired Senior Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, will give a talk about spirituality and how it affects human life. Although this is not a Family Program Sunday, there will be childcare available for parents who ...   

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  • "A Theravada Buddhism Primer"  ::  Spiritual

    Join Allan Cooper who will describe the principles of Buddhism in general, and the Theravada in particular, and will explain how these practices can bring quiet and clarity to our busy minds and lives. A brief, guided meditation will be ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-956-6647

  • "Unitarian Universalists and Social Justice, Past and Present"  ::  Spiritual

    Rev. Azima Forest will talk about UU history of social justice, and also explore what is happening now, both in our own county and around the world. We will also be welcoming our new members with a short ceremony. This ...   

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  • The Surrender Experiment  ::  Spiritual

    A six-class series led by Jeff Goin who will lead discussion and meditation on the book "The Surrender Experiment" by Michael Singer. Attend one, some, or all six classes. No meditation experience necessary. By donation.   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • “A Primer on ‘The Ganges Mahamudra’”   ::  Spiritual

    Jeff Goin will talk about this sacred 11th century teaching imparted on the banks of the Ganges River by the Indian yogi Tilopa to his student Naropa. Although this is not a Family Program Sunday, there will be childcare available ...   

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  • Spring Equinox Celebration With Beatriz Giraldo  ::  Spiritual

    Circles of sound gather around the world every Equinox to weave our sacred sounds and consciousness with the intentions of harmony, acceptance, unity, joy, compassion, love, and appreciation for all living beings of the planet. Bring a drum, rattle, or ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-956-6647

  • The Surrender Experiment  ::  Spiritual

    A six-class series led by Jeff Goin who will lead discussion and meditation on the book "The Surrender Experiment" by Michael Singer. Attend one, some, or all six classes. No meditation experience necessary. By donation.   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Palm Sunday Service at the Church of the Good Shepherd  ::  Spiritual

    8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rt. 1; 10:30 am service meets in the Parish Hall then processes around the block into the sanctuary.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

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