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February, 2019
  • Walking Tour at Mimbres Culture Heritage Site  ::  Tours

    Local archaeologist Marilyn Markel, will lead a walking tour of the Mattocks Ruin at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site. Learn about the first people to live on the site dating back as far as 200 AD. The tour lasts about ...   

    Location  Mimbres Culture Heritage Site

    Contact  307-640-3012

April, 2019
May, 2019
  • Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day  ::  Tours

    The district will host a bird walk at the Catwalk National Recreation Area. Please wear hiking boots or shoes, and bring binoculars, sunscreen, a hat, bug spray, a snack, and water. We anticipate the hike to be approximately 2 miles ...   

    Location  Catwalk Recreation Area

    Contact  575-539-2481 or or

  • Mogollon Ghost Town Seasonal Opening  ::  Tours

    The quaint former mining community opens for the season May 18. All businesses will be open on May 18, 2019. The Purple Onion Cafe opens at 9 a..m., the Old Kelly Store and the Mogollon Museum open at 10 a.m.   

    Location  Mogollon Ghost Town

  • Gila Native Plant Society Field Trip to the Burro Mountains  ::  Tours

    Meet at 8 a.m. in the south parking lot of the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theatre for carpooling. Our field trip leader, Hanna Blood, is scouting out the best place in the Burros to see plants opening up in the ...   

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

    Contact or

June, 2019
July, 2019
  • Great Old Broads for Wilderness Hike and Picnic  ::  Tours

    Come join us for fun, find out what we've been up to and help us envision how to best protect our beautiful wilderness. Schedule: 9 am - Group Hike (optional - bring water and a hat), 11 am - Meet ...   

    Location  Gomez Peak Pavillion

  • Gila Native Plant Society Field Trip to the Pinos Altos Range  ::  Tours

    Meet at 8 a.m. in the south parking lot of the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theatre for carpooling. GNPS will have field trips every month through September on the third Sunday of the month to explore the diversity of our ...   

    Sidalcea neomexicana (smaller).jpg

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

    Contact or

August, 2019
  • Grant County Native Plant Society Field Trip to the Burro Mountains  ::  Tours

    Meet at 8 a.m. in the south parking lot of the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theatre for carpooling. In the canyons, huge black cherry trees, grand Emory oaks and alligator junipers provide shade to white honeysuckle, canyon grapes, and other wonderful understory ...   

    Stachys coccinea.jpg

    Location  WNMU Fine Arts Center

    Contact or

September, 2019
October, 2019
  • Season's End Weekend at Mogollon Ghost Town  ::  Tours

    The quaint former mining community is a fun day trip – weekends through Oct 13. The Purple Onion Cafe opens at 9 a.m., the Old Kelly Store and the Mogollon Museum open at 10 a.m.   

    Location  Mogollon Ghost Town

  • Mimbres History Day,  ::  Tours

    10 AM- Biscuits and coffee will be available for those who enjoy a late morningtreat10:30 - Take a walking tour of the Mattocks Ruin with a volunteer historian11:00 – There will be a presentation about the two Territorial Adobe houses ...   

    Location  Mimbres Culture Heritage Site

    Contact  575-536-3333

  • Fall Art & Wine Extravaganza  ::  Tours

    Talented artists and artisans, music and food. 20% discount for case of mix or match wines.   

    Location  La Esperanza Winery

November, 2019
  • Walking Tours of Historic Fort Bayard  ::  Tours

    Tours of the grounds will be led on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from November through March, and will begin at 10:30 a.m. from the museum. The museum itself will be open every Saturday. Special hours and tours of the museum, ...   

    Location  Fort Bayard Museum

    Contact  575-388-4862, 575-388-4477, or 970-222-5084, or

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