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January, 2019
  • Friends of the Silver City Library’s January 2019 Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Hardback and trade paperback books are priced at $1.00 each and paperbacks at $0.50 each. In some individual cases, books may be priced higher. Weather permitting, clearance items sales take place in the FOL parking lot where visitors can purchase ...   

    Location  FOL Bookstore

February, 2019
  • Chocolate Fantasia 2019: Children’s Storybook Fantasia   ::  Fundraiser

    A variety of wonderful chocolate confections will be offered at Chocolate Stops in and around the town’s historic district. Tasting tickets are $25 for 20 samples of different chocolate confections.Event maps and empty candy boxes ($2.00 each for collecting your ...   

    choc fant_7464 copy.JPG

    Location  Family Karate Center

    Contact  575-538-2505, or or

  • Silent Auction to Benefit Gila/Mimbres Community Radio  ::  Fundraiser

    Fine works by local artists, will be offered by silent auction. The event is hosted by Geisler Studio (Common Ground), 102 W. Kelly, Silver City, NM. Bids on the artworks can be placed there. GMCR will also be hosting an open house during ...   

    Location  KURU Radio Station

    Contact  575-597-4891 or

  • "A Heart for Art" Silent Auction Reception  ::  Fundraiser

    The event will include a reception featuring watercolor artist and youth mural coordinator Marilyn Gendron, and other close friends of Elisabeth Simon and her husband, Gene, a renowned newspaper publisher and columnist. The musical duo Bayou Seco will provide musical entertainment.   

    Location  Common Grounds Gallery

    Contact  575-597-4891 or

March, 2019
  • Charity Quilt Sewing Session  ::  Fundraiser

    We always have a great time getting together on these sewing days. Mostly we talk and eat - but some sewing does get done. Bring your favorite potluck dish to share for lunch and come join us.   

    Location  Aunt Judy's Attic

    Contact or 575-534-0446 or 575-590-1380

  • Charity Quilt Sewing Session  ::  Fundraiser

    We always have a great time getting together on these sewing days. Mostly we talk and eat - but some sewing does get done. Bring your favorite potluck dish to share for lunch and come join us.   

    Location  Aunt Judy's Attic

    Contact or 575-534-0446 or 575-590-1380

  • WNMU 7th Annual Scholarship Gala: "Under the Big Top"  ::  Fundraiser

    Reservations required. $150 single; $125 Alumnus; $1,000 table of eight. Attire: Vintage Circus or Black Tie.    

    Location  WNMU Graham Gym

    Contact  WNMU Foundation: 575-538-6310 or

  • Special Screening of "Undeterred"  ::  Fundraiser

    A documentary film that shows with power and sensitivity how the people of Arivaca, Arizona, have mobilized to provide life-sustaining humanitarian assistance to migrants struggling to cross the desert on foot, and to demand respect for their own constitutional rights ...   

    Location  Silco Theater

  • Friends of the Silver City Public Library Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Vintage magazines, collectibles, Language instruction books, first editions, New Mexico authors and a children's room. Low prices, starting at $.10. Proceeds benefit Silver City Public Library.   

    Location  FOL Bookstore

  • American Legion Pancake Breakfast  ::  Fundraiser

    The cost for all you can eat pancakes with sausage is $5. Come meet the veterans, find out about our local American Legion and all they do for our community while enjoying a yummy breakfast.   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  623-293-1639

  • Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner  ::  Fundraiser

    Dinner is $10 for adults & $5 for children under 12. Price includes dinner, dessert & beverage. There will also be tickets for a "Lottery Tree" with 50 Scratchers. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The winner will ...   

    Location  Glenwood Senior Center

  • 14th Annual Friends of Clay Pottery Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    The sale will feature a great selection of pottery and clay art works donated by current and former WNMU clay students, faculty, and professional potters. All proceeds from the sale will be used for the benefit of Western’s clay program.   

    Location  206 N. Bullard

    Contact  575-313-7278

April, 2019
  • SASS 4th Annual Zeal for Teal  ::  Fundraiser

    $35 for dinner, cash bar, dance, silent auction, raffle and live entertainment by Brandon Perrault. All proceeds go to Silver Regional Sexual Assault Support Services..    

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Conference Center


  • First Saturday Garage Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Lots of items available   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

  • 34th Annual San Francisco Valley 4-H Spring Bingo   ::  Fundraiser

    There will be food and great prizes.   

    Location  Glenwood Community Center

  • Glenwood Community Library Spring Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Glenwood Community Library will hold its book sale, with lots of books and DVDs to appeal to different readers and viewers.   

    Location  Glenwood Library

  • Glenwood Woman’s Club Rummage Sale   ::  Fundraiser

    As you do your Spring Cleaning or downsizing you can get rid of your stuff by donating them. Donations will be accepted Friday April 12 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. No used electronics will be accepted. Proceeds benefit the ...   

    Location  Glenwood, New Mexico

  • PFLAG Scholarship Benefit Dance: "Woodstock Southwest"  ::  Fundraiser

    Tickets are $10 per person and are available in advance at Vintage Fantasies or at the door. Vicki’s Eatery will be selling beer, wine and snacks. Proceeds benefit the Nancy Kailing Memorial Scholarship at Western New Mexico University. The dance ...   


    Location  Old Elk's Club

    Contact  575-590-8797 or

  • 5K Color Run - Run for Kids' Sake Benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters  ::  Fundraiser

    Registration is $25 until March 31, and goes up in price after that date. Limited day of registration will be available. A color run is a fun spin on the traditional 5k walk/run. At the starting line, at 3 locations along ...   

    Location  Penny Park

    Contact or or 575-449-2728

  • American Legion Pancake Breakfast  ::  Fundraiser

    Come enjoy all you can eat pancakes hot off the griddle, with sausage, OJ and coffee, while meeting some of the local veterans. Cost $5. Funds raised will help support the many community projects the American Legion provides.   

    Pancake breakfast.jpg

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  623-293-1639

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