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January, 2019
  • Goddess Energy with Lynda Aiman-Smith  ::  Spiritual

    Four consecutive Saturdays, starting on January 5. In this series we will celebrate the Divine Feminine by moving our bodies, telling stories, making use of healing sound and more. A perfect way to make your weekend special, and empowered! By ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • “What We Love Can Be Saved”   ::  Spiritual

    Rev. Amy Beltaine will address the issue of how you can be the change you wish to see in the world. The struggles around the world for justice, peace and against violence can be overwhelming and it is easy to ...   

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  • 365 Tiny Love Challenges   ::  Spiritual

    The Tuesday night series will draw from the book 365 Tiny Love Challenges, by Lori Deschene, which presents simple, creative, and fun challenges that guide us into a daily practice of bringing greater love into the world, whether toward ourselves, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Goddess Energy with Lynda Aiman-Smith  ::  Spiritual

    Four consecutive Saturdays, starting on January 5. In this series we will celebrate the Divine Feminine by moving our bodies, telling stories, making use of healing sound and more. A perfect way to make your weekend special, and empowered! By ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • "Why I Wrote “God’s Umbrella: Southwest New Mexico World War II Survivors”   ::  Spiritual

    Grant County Beat editor Mary Alice Murphy collected interviews with World War II survivors and others involved in the war. Her book is a compilation of 81 interviews. This is a Family Program Sunday and during January the UU Children's Program ...   

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  • 365 Tiny Love Challenges   ::  Spiritual

    The Tuesday night series will draw from the book 365 Tiny Love Challenges, by Lori Deschene, which presents simple, creative, and fun challenges that guide us into a daily practice of bringing greater love into the world, whether toward ourselves, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Simple circle dances using sacred phrases from around the world, meditative and joyful. Learn as you go, no experience necessary; by donation.   

    Location  Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

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  • Goddess Energy with Lynda Aiman-Smith  ::  Spiritual

    Four consecutive Saturdays, starting on January 5. In this series we will celebrate the Divine Feminine by moving our bodies, telling stories, making use of healing sound and more. A perfect way to make your weekend special, and empowered! By ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • 365 Tiny Love Challenges   ::  Spiritual

    The Tuesday night series will draw from the book 365 Tiny Love Challenges, by Lori Deschene, which presents simple, creative, and fun challenges that guide us into a daily practice of bringing greater love into the world, whether toward ourselves, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Goddess Energy with Lynda Aiman-Smith  ::  Spiritual

    Four consecutive Saturdays, starting on January 5. In this series we will celebrate the Divine Feminine by moving our bodies, telling stories, making use of healing sound and more. A perfect way to make your weekend special, and empowered! By ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • "Where DOES the Time Go?"   ::  Spiritual

    Working from the principle that "only YOU can author your life and it's your only job," Sunny Kellerman will look at an arrangement for bringing accomplishment, satisfaction, joy and balance to life on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. This is ...   

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  • 365 Tiny Love Challenges   ::  Spiritual

    The Tuesday night series will draw from the book 365 Tiny Love Challenges, by Lori Deschene, which presents simple, creative, and fun challenges that guide us into a daily practice of bringing greater love into the world, whether toward ourselves, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


February, 2019
  • Imbolc Celebration  ::  Spiritual

    Imbolc is an ancient seasonal celebration held roughly midway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The celebration will include singing, movement, some traditional Celtic prayers and blessings, and exercises to discern the spiritual path for the year. Imbolc ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-956-6647 or

  • "Our Border Today"  ::  Spiritual

    Sandy Feutz and Tom Vaughan will share their experiences and photos about the militarization of the Southwest border. Although this is not a Family Program Sunday, childcare will be available. There will be refreshments after the service and visitors are ...   

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  • 365 Tiny Love Challenges   ::  Spiritual

    The Tuesday night series will draw from the book 365 Tiny Love Challenges, by Lori Deschene, which presents simple, creative, and fun challenges that guide us into a daily practice of bringing greater love into the world, whether toward ourselves, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Sacred Activism: Meditation for World Peace and Healing  ::  Spiritual

    Join Katherine Feist and friends for Sacred Activism on the second Saturday of each month. In these sessions, we will go into deep relaxation, join our spiritual energies, and use them for healing and blessing. Drop-ins welcome. Donations appreciated.   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • "Shamanism in 14th Century Paquimé”   ::  Spiritual

    George Ruebelmann will present a brief interpretation of the Shamanic religion of this Pre-Columbian World Heritage site, known as Casas Grandes, Mexico. This is a Family Program Sunday. Our topic today is "The Gift of Mutual Caring," a program that ...   

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  • 365 Tiny Love Challenges   ::  Spiritual

    The Tuesday night series will draw from the book 365 Tiny Love Challenges, by Lori Deschene, which presents simple, creative, and fun challenges that guide us into a daily practice of bringing greater love into the world, whether toward ourselves, ...   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Community Kirtan   ::  Spiritual

    Join Manda Clair for an evening of musical chanting and singing to the ancient melodies of Classical India. It's easy and it brings peace! No experience necessary; everyone is welcome! Donations appreciated.   

    Location  Lotus Center


  • Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    The Dances of Universal Peace are simple meditative and joyous circle dances. They use sacred phrases, chants, movements, and music from the world’s wisdom traditions. It is an event that anyone can participate in, no experience necessary, no need to ...   

    Location  Church of Harmony

    Contact or 575-519-1680 or

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