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January, 2020
February, 2020
March, 2020
  • High Desert Sportsmen's Gun Show 2020  ::  Fundraiser

    The High Desert Sportsmen's Club Gun Show 2020 Invitational to take place March 7 and March 8, 2020   

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center

    Contact  575-313-4644

  • Eighth Annual - Western New Mexico University Foundation Scholarship Gala  ::  Fundraiser

    Experience an enchanted evening that includes a VIP cocktail reception, entertainment, a gourmet feast, silent auction, dancing, and mingling with fellow leaders and community members in a hidden realm you won’t forget. You are making a difference in the lives ...   

    Location  Western New Mexico University

    Contact  575-538-6310 or

  • High Desert Sportsmen's Gun Show 2020  ::  Fundraiser

    The High Desert Sportsmen's Club Gun Show 2020 Invitational to take place March 7 and March 8, 2020   

    Location  Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center

    Contact  575-313-4644

  • CANCELLED Silver City Library March Book Sale  ::  Fundraiser

    Hardback and trade paperback books are priced at $1.00 each and paperbacks at $0.50 each. In some individual cases, books may be priced higher. Weather permitting, clearance items sales take place in the FOL parking lot where visitors can purchase ...   

    Location  FOL Bookstore

April, 2020
  • CANCELLED Little Walnut Mountain Run  ::  Fundraiser

    Check in 8am, Race Starts 9am. The Little Walnut Mountain Run is a 10-kilometer footrace crossing the Continental Divide on the shoulder of Eighty Mountain and climbing to the summit of Gomez Peak. $30 entry fee. Pre-registration available online. Registration ...   

    walnut run.jpg

    Location  Gomez Peak Pavillion


  • Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Spring Membership Drive  ::  Fundraiser

    Tune in for Music, poetry, interviews, local talent and updates on local and global issues. Visit to donate with a credit card or PayPal, or mail a check payable to GMCR to 519-B N. Bullard, St., Silver City, NM 88061 (or ...   

    Location  KURU Radio Station


May, 2020
  • Give Grandly Goes Virtual  ::  Fundraiser

    The event, showcasing the participating non-profits and the good work they do in videos created by the organizations themselves, and music by great local talent will be broadcast from from 8:30am to 2:30pm. Donations for Give Grandly count toward matching ...   

    Contact or

  • CANCELLED Friends of the Library May Booksale  ::  Fundraiser

    All events, including the FOL Book Sale, scheduled to take place on Town property are cancelled until further notice. Depending on circumstance, the big July sale may still take place. The FOL accepts donations of books from the public and uses ...   

October, 2020
December, 2020
  • Rotary Holds Fact or Fiction Game  ::  Fundraiser

    A Fact or Fiction game based on the PBS game of "Wait, wait, don't tell me," will be held at 6 p.m. this Saturday, December 12,  to help raise money for Rotary International's PolioPlus program aimed at eliminating polio worldwide. ...   

    Contact  Lucy Falley at 915 490-4347 or

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