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January, 2021
  • Bilingual Storytime: The Roadrunner's Dance  ::  Education

    Patrick Hoskins and Commissioner Javier Salas will read The Roadrunner’s Dance, by Rudolfo Anaya. One can also register on the museum website or at, or open Zoom and join Meeting ID 893 2173 0803. The Silver City Museum Storytime Series brings to the ...   

    Contact  (575) 538-5921

  • Museum Hosts Talk on the Spanish Flu of 1918 in Grant County  ::  Education

    Local historian Stephen Fox will present a slide lecture on the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918-19 in Grant County on Saturday, January 23 at 11am.  Folks can register and attend at www.SilverCityMuseum.Org or at, or if they already have Zoom they can join ...   

    Contact  (575) 538-5921

  • WILL Lunch and Learn: Let's Write! ... our Health Care Stories: Putting a Human Face in Front of our NM Legislators  ::  Education

    WILL encourages you to participate in a Lunch & Learn presented by the New Mexico Health Stories Project titled: Let's Write! ... our Health Care Stories: Putting a Human Face in Front of our NM Legislators For complete session overviews of ...   

  • Love Letters to the World workshop with Edie Tsong  ::  Education

    This workshop is open to the public and will be on Zoom. The registration link is below.  You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jan 28, 2021 01:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting:  After registering, you ...   

  • An Evening with Jimmy Santiago Baca  ::  Education

    Southwest Word Fiesta and Western New Mexico University will host Laughing in the Light: An Evening with Jimmy Santiago Baca on Thursday, January 28, 6-7 PM via Zoom. www. This event is free and open to the public, no registration ...   

February, 2021
  • WILL Lunch and Learn: COVID-19 Vaccination: What it is? And Why I Got MIne  ::  Education

    Listen in with Silver City’s Dr. Fred Fox, MD as he expertly explains: COVID-19 Vaccination: What it is? And Why I Got MIne Zoom:  For complete session overviews of these two timely Lunch & Learns and links to the free registration for ...   

  • Free Writing Workshop: Writing Authentic Dialogue  ::  Education

    The Writing Authentic Dialogue workshop will help you understand which words your characters should be saying and how those words should sound when coming out of their mouths. We’ll explore character voice, sentence types, style of expression, and knowing how ...   


  • Virtual Gila Native Plant Society meeting : “Plant Root + Fungal Interactions = Mycorrhizae”  ::  Education

    The Gila Native Plant Society’s meeting on February 19, 7:00 pm, via Zoom will feature a talk by Keller Suberkropp entitled “Plant Root + Fungal Interactions = Mycorrhizae.” As Keller explains, “mycorrhiza” literally means “fungus-root.” A variety of fungi colonize ...   


  • SCCT Workshop: An Introduction to Theatre Directing  ::  Education

    “Long-time theatre director, producer, and playwright Brenda McFarlane will lead “An Introduction to Theatre Directing, Saturday, February 20th, at 2 pm. The two-hour Zoom workshop/webinar is presented by Silver City Community Theatre (SCCT),” according to Phyllis McQuaide, SCCT President. “There ...   

  • The Days Ahead: Readings and Discussion for Black History Month  ::  Education

    WNMU and Southwest Word Fiesta will host a Black History Month event involving virtual readings and a discussion. The topic will be the challenges and opportunities for African Americans at this time. The panellists include Dr. Isaac Brundage, Vice President ...   

March, 2021
  • Free Writing Workshop: Editing Your Novel  ::  Education

    The Editing Your Novel session will help you approach novel/memoir editing in three ways. First, we’ll discuss how to decide what revision aspects you might want to focus on initially. Then we’ll review common storyline arcs, such as the “story ...   


  • Virtual Gila Native Plant Society   ::  Education

    The Gila Native Plant Society’s meeting on March 19, 2021, 7:00 pm, via Zoom, will feature a talk by botanist Jim McGrath entitled “Evolution of the New Mexico Rare Plants Website.” Jim will discuss how New Mexico Rare Plant Website ...   


  • World Water Day: Community Action Day  ::  Education

    Big Ditch Park and San Vicente Creek: This is a COVID-safe event. Please bring face mask, water bottle, hat, and work gloves. Join Silver City Watershed Keepers and GRIP for a day of service: trash pickup, water quality monitoring, and native planting ...   

  • Friends of the Silver City Library: Book Sale  ::  Education

    Outside $2/bag provided "Inside Outside" $1 hardback, $.50 paperback Streetside parking only Masks and social distancing required The Friends of the Library accepts donations of books from the public and uses these donations to raise funds to support the Silver City Library’s programs and ...   


  • World Water Day: Community Conversation  ::  Education

    Hosted from the Bayard Public Library via Zoom: Join the conversation with Priscilla Lucero (SWNMCOG), Joe Saenz (Chiricahua Apache Nation/WolfHorse Outfitters), Alicia Edwards (Healthy Kids Healthy Communities Grant County), and Lee Gruber (SWNMACT)   

  • WILL Lunch and Learn: Assistive Technology for Activities of Daily Living  ::  Education

    Moderated by Jesse Armijo of the New Mexico Technology Assistance Program. Then NMTAP offers free services to New Mexicans to help them get the assistive technology services. The statewide program, with an office at WNMU, is designed to increase knowledge ...   

April, 2021
  • WILL Lunch and Learn: Opt Outdoors! Public Lands Volunteering  ::  Education

    Kathy Whiteman, Ph. D. will discuss your renewed or new alliance with nature. Learn more about the Leave No Trace philosophy, Wilderness First Aid training options, and ways the Western New Mexico University Outdoor Program has continued to connect students ...   

  • Free Global Warming Zoom Presentation  ::  Education

    The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City is hosting a Zoom presentation on Solutions and Strategies for Fighting Global Warming titled "Introduction to Drawdown" on Saturday, April 10 at 6pm Mountain Time.    This will be a live 45 minute free presentation with a ...   

  • WILL Lunch and Learn: The Millennial Dictionary, Learning the Lingo of the Young!  ::  Education

    Join Cristen Penn and Jameson DeSantis and find out what an "influencer," "meme," or "GIF" is all about. Penn and DeSantis will guide you through the maze of the lingo and acronyms for the Millennial Age. They'll discuss the purposes ...   

  • WILL Lunch and Learn: Border Justice  ::  Education

    Presented by Silver City Museum and WILL, moderated by Molly Molloy, Neil Harvey, and Barbara Gabioud, a panel of border researchers and local champions who provide humanitarian support to immigrants, will help you understand the history and dynamics of our ...   

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