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Popup: Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Seasonal local produce, baked goods, fresh tortillas and tamales, grass feed meat, honey, pecans, native plants, and more!Cash, debit, and EBT accepted. Use your EBT card at the market and double your benefits with Double Up Food Bucks!For up-to-date information ...
Virtual Urban Challenge and Fun Run :: Health & Wellness
This year the 5K downtown run can be done on a treadmill or out on a trail between February 5 and 11, 2021. Submit a photo of yourself on your run via facebook messenger or email. The entry fee is ...
Silver City Farmers' Market :: Health & Wellness
Seasonal local produce, baked goods, fresh tortillas and tamales, grass feed meat, honey, pecans, native plants, and more!Cash, debit, and EBT accepted. Use your EBT card at the market and double your benefits with Double Up Food Bucks!For up-to-date information ...
Panel Discussion on Virtual Arte Chicano Exhibit :: Health & Wellness
The public can now view the Silver City Museum’s recently released virtual exhibit, Arte Chicano 2020, and will host a panel discussion about it on February 21. Arte Chicano is viewable at SilverCityMuseum.Org under On Exhibit Now > Arte Chicano 2020, ...
Contact 575-538-5921 or
WNMU Inaugural Remembrance March :: Health & Wellness
In April 1942, 75,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war embarked on a forced 65-mile march, now known as the Bataan Death March.On April 17, 2021, WNMU will honor the military men and women, past and present, who give their ...
Silver City Spring Litter Cleanup Event :: Health & Wellness
Volunteers are requested to participate in a cleanup event along an 11 mile stretch of US Highway 180 this Saturday April 24, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The event is hosted by the Silver City Grant County Chamber ...
Grant County Vaccination and Summer Safety Event :: Health & Wellness
Family friendly activities! NM National Guard and NM DOH – Covid Vaccinations – all brands (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J)Hidalgo Medical Services – Mobile Health UnitSilver City Fire Department – Giving away bicycle helmets while supplies lastSilver City Police Department – Bike safety ...
Location Gough Park
Ziryab's Body Brew Sidewalk Sale :: Health & Wellness
Ziryab's Body Brew is holding a shop Sidewalk Sale! The sale is in front of the shop at 1330 N. Grant St across from Penny Park. The sale is celebrating the re-opening of their doors on Tuesday June 15.Ziryab's makes ...
Silver City Watershed Keepers Monthly Cleanup :: Health & Wellness
Saturday, July 17, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, meet at the Murray Ryan Visitor Center, 201 N Hudson St, Silver City.Waste and trash in our waterways impact our drinking water and wildlife. Help the Silver City Watershed Keepers protect our ...
Location Murray Ryan Visitor Center
Contact Doyne Wrealli at
Silver City Watershed Keepers Monthly Cleanup :: Health & Wellness
Saturday, August 21, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, meet at the Murray Ryan Visitor Center, 201 N Hudson St, Silver City.Waste and trash in our waterways impact our drinking water and wildlife. Help the Silver City Watershed Keepers protect our ...
Location Murray Ryan Visitor Center
Silver City Watershed Keepers Monthly Cleanup :: Health & Wellness
Saturday, September 18, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, meet at the corner of Highway 180 and Bill Evans Lake Road.Waste and trash in our waterways impact our drinking water and wildlife. Help the Silver City Watershed Keepers protect our waterways by ...
Location Murray Ryan Visitor Center
GNPS Native Plant Sale :: Health & Wellness
The Gila Native Plant Society is holding its annual sale of native plants in the fall this year. Native plants are beautiful, hardy and need less water once established. And fall is a great time to plant, with monsoon moisture ...
Pick It Up - Toss No Mas Community Cleanup and Program kickoff :: Health & Wellness
Through a partnership between the Town of Silver City and the Silver City Watershed Keepers, the anti-litter program Pick It Up - Toss No Mas kicks off a year-long campaign with a Trash Bash Community Cleanup on Saturday, October 16 from ...
Location Gough Park
SW NM Seed Library Fall Seed Exchange :: Health & Wellness
The Southwest New Mexico Seed Library will offer seed collecting demos and share gardening tips.Bring seeds you’ve saved to donateLearn about saving seedsTake seeds home for your own gardenSilver City Farmers’ Market, 901 N Pope St Silver City, NM
Location Silver City Farmers Market
Contact Chris Jepson 575-313-5817 or
Community Trash Cleanup :: Health & Wellness
Meet at the parking lot at Gough Park.Trash bags, trash pickups, gloves, and snacks provided. Free t-shirts (while supplies last.)For more information visit silvercitywatershedkeepers.org, email pickituptossnomas@gmail.com, or call 575-538-8078
Community Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Teachers rotate throughout the month. Sage Yoga Collective requires proof of medical vaccination to attend.$5 drop-in feeSage Yoga Collective, 311 N Bullard (above Leyba and Ingalls)For information visit www.sageyogacollective.com or call 575-574-5451
Contact 575-574-5451
Classic Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Instructor: Colleen Stinar$5 drop-in fee.Sage Yoga Collective, 311 N Bullard (above Leyba and Ingalls), requires proof of medical vaccination to attend.For information visit www.sageyogacollective.com or call 575-574-5451.
Contact 575-574-5451
Classic Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Instructor: Colleen Stinar$5 drop-in fee.Sage Yoga Collective, 311 N Bullard (above Leyba and Ingalls), requires proof of medical vaccination to attend.For information visit www.sageyogacollective.com or call 575-574-5451.
Contact 575-574-5451
Classic Yoga :: Health & Wellness
Instructor: Colleen Stinar$5 drop-in fee.Sage Yoga Collective, 311 N Bullard (above Leyba and Ingalls), requires proof of medical vaccination to attend.For information visit www.sageyogacollective.com or call 575-574-5451.
Contact 575-574-5451
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