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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Local tourist information and events.
Join us for Grant County's annual 1st New Mexico Bank, Wild Wild West Rodeo on June 21 and 22! Held at the Southwest Horseman's Arena in Silver City off Highway 180 East, this exciting event is part of the Renegade Rodeo Series open rodeo by Casper Baca Rodeo Company.
Tickets will be available starting June 17th at Circle Heart Western Wear in Silver City. Grab yours early for just $10 in advance or $15 at the gate. Gates open at 5 pm, and the rodeo kicks off at 7 pm. Don't miss the opportunity to ride the Corre Caminos Shuttle from the Grant County Veterans Business and Conference Center for only $1 each way.
Tickets $10 and multiple showings. See pdf flyer below
By Lynn Janes
Events also happen on May 29 and May 30, as well as June 1, 2, 3 . Please see full calendar link below
The Gila National Forest will host a speaker series to celebrate the Centennial of the Wilderness Act, which named the Gila Wilderness as the first designated wilderness area.
A list of the speakers, subjects and locations will be listed below and can also be found on Grant County Beat https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/83744-gila-wilderness-centennial-week-calendarof-events
The annual Memorial Day remembrance will take place at 10 a.m., Monday, May 27, 2024 at the Fort Bayard National Cemetery, hosted by the Gaffney-Oglesby Marine Corps League Detachment 1328, with help of the Allingham-Golding American Legion Post 18, in conjunction with the Grant County Veterans' Coalition, which encompasses all area Armed Forces Veteran organizations.
The day honors all veterans who have died in the service of their country.
According to coordinator Marine Master Gunnery Sgt. Dean Bearup, the ceremony will feature two speakers, one federal and one state.Â
 This is  the Town and Country Garden Club's third  and final production . We are having a living history  program  telling the life stories of Silver's early settlers and some  later on as well.  23 actors will become the men and women telling interesting challenges they faced. We are dedicating this program to members of  the  now  retired Town  and  Country Garden  Club. For the past 60 years,  the club's mission was to  support and improve Memory Lane. With the proceeds from their now closed downtown gift shop, they contributed thousands of dollars to community projects and scholarships at Western New Mexico University. It will be held at the Memory Lane Cemetery.
This will take place on Memorial Day  May 27, Monday. At  4 to 7. Free of charge.  Visitors should come prepared for a warm, sunny day.  The Silver City Museum will continue the program in the future.
The Gila is the birthplace of Wilderness
SILVER CITY, NM, May 20, 2024 – May 29 through June 2, the Gila National Forest will celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Gila Wilderness. The week will be packed with activities and events highlighting the value of Wilderness in our modern lives, and giving thanks for the foresight of Aldo Leopold and Forest Service leadership in designating the world's first area designated as such; the Gila Wilderness was created June 3, 1924.
See flyer below
Hummingbird Festival
Mimbres Culture Heritage Site
12 Sage Drive, just off Hwy 35
July 27-28, 2024
7:30 Hummingbird catch and release;
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