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Blue Moon of the Crow Rendezvous :: Social Events
37th annual black powder shoot, pre-1840's style rendezvous. Primitive and modern camping (primitive rules in the primitive camp). You must wear pre-1840's garb to be allowed to shoot. $30.00 per individual or $40.00 per family, bring firewood and water. Skates ...
Location Skates Canyon
Contact 575-537-2220
07:00pm PFLAG Silver City Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
The PFLAG Silver City monthly meeting will feature an evening of crafts and conversation, Those attending can enjoy creating items to be given away to donors at the upcoming Give Grandly event in May and share their stories of coming ...
Contact 575-590-8789
Earth Day 2018:Volunteers and Vendors Needed :: Social Events
There is still time to register for a vendor space, go to www.gilaresources.info to download the registration application, or contact Doyne Wrealli, GRIP Program Associate and coordinator of the event, at earthendoyne@gmail.com or 575-297-9734. Those wishing to volunteer for the ...
09:00am Triple C Men's Group Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
The Triple C (Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation) group discusses a number of the Community Issues, in addition to providing Information about the fraternity. Bring your favorite topic or questions to be answered. Masonry has been a integral part of the ...
Location Silver City Masonic Lodge Hall
Contact 575-574-7204 or 575-538-8561
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
05:30pm - 07:00pm Green Drinks with the SW NM Green Chamber of Commerce :: Social Events
Allyson Siwik, executive director of Gila Resources Information Project, will provide an update on the F-16 Flyover movement as well as other public environmental concerns
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
11:30am Grant County Association of Educational Retirees Luncheon :: Social Events
Renew old acquaintances and make new ones while keeping up with what is happening in education.GCAER is an affiliate of the New Mexico Assn. of Educational Retirees. whose role is to support public education andmonitor legislation pertaining to the New Mexico Educational ...
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
Contact 575-538-5754
07:00pm Southwestern New Mexico Audubon Society Meeting :: Social Events
"The Social Lives of Rattlesnakes" by Melissa Amarello, co-founder of Advocates for Snake Preservation. Courtship, combat, and hanging out with friends are just a few rattlesnake behaviors captured on camera that will be viewed in this presentation. Free, everyone is ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
09:00am - 01:00pm Glenwood Street Market :: Social Events
Handcrafted items including painted gourds, exquisite cards, handmade soaps, jewelry and unique gift, plus hot dogs, cookies and other yummy edibles in case you get hungry.
Location Glenwood, New Mexico
10:00am - 02:00pm Dutch Oven Gathering :: Social Events
Dutch oven cooking teams will prepare meals over campfires and charcoal fires in Dutch ovens.. The cooks are glad to visit and tell people about their ways of cooking. Each camp will have a menu on display. After deciding which ...
Location Glenwood Community Park
12:00pm - 05:00pm Whitewater Mesa Fun Kite Flying Picnic :: Social Events
Free. There will be a free raffle drawing for a kite at 2.30pm, so be sure to pick up your raffle ticket on arrival at the gate with the labyrinth sign. Water, kite mending supplies, porta-pottie, loaner kites provided. Bring your picnic, ...
Location Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths
Contact http://www.wmlabyrinths.com/glenwood.shtml or 575-313-1002
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