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10:30am - 02:30pm Santa Clara/Historic Fort Bayard Visitors Center :: Social Events
Winter schedule, open Mondays and Fridays.
Location Santa Clara Armory
07:00pm PFLAG Silver City Meeting :: Social Events
The meeting will focus on current issues and legislation affecting LGBTQ persons and their families on the local, state and national levels. Information from PFLAG National, EQNM, and The Human Rights Campaign will be distributed and discussed. In addition, there ...
Contact 575-590-8797 or www.pflagsilver.org
06:00pm CANCELLED First Wednesday Veterans Dinner :: Social Events
United Methodist Campus Ministry invites all Veterans, as well as Veterans who are attending WNMU, and their families and friends to a free dinner. The dinners will be held monthly on the first Wednesday of the month when school is ...
Location First United Methodist Church
Contact 575-538-2371
07:00pm Silver City Photo Club Meeting :: Social Events
Speaker will be Kitty Stolzenbach, a mobile photographer and expert in marketing, social media and event planning for nearly 20 years, and co-owner of Silver City’s Copper Quail gallery. Everyone is invited to the presentation and then to show up ...
05:30pm Green Drinks with the Southwest New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce :: Social Events
Our guest speaker will be Nathan Newcomer, Gila Grassroots Organizer of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. He will present an update on the Wild and Scenic Gila and San Francisco Rivers Legislation and a general overview of the Alliance's other ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 575-538-1337 or
10:30am - 02:30pm Santa Clara/Historic Fort Bayard Visitors Center :: Social Events
Winter schedule, open Mondays and Fridays.
Location Santa Clara Armory
07:00pm SWNM Audubon's Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
"Horned Lizards: Natural History, Conservation Concerns and Citizen Science Efforts” Emily Pollom will be presenting on the natural history, conservation concerns, and citizen science efforts for horned lizards. A charismatic icon of the American Southwest, these lizards actually range from Canada throughout Mexico. ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
Contact www.swnmaudubon.org
10:00am CANCELED Marine Corps League Detachment 132 Meeting :: Social Events
MCL 1328 will hold its monthly meetings at 10 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month.
Location American Legion Post 18
10:30am - 02:30pm Fort Bayard Museum Winter Hours :: Social Events
The Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society has announced that effective November 2, the Museum, located in the historic Hospital Commander’s house at Fort Bayard National Historic Landmark, will be open Saturdays only, from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Special hours and tours of the ...
Location Fort Bayard Museum
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