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September, 2024
  • Grant County CO.STARTERS register for the Fall 2024Cohort!  ::  Public Meetings

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start or grow your business! Get full details     

  • Grant County CO.STARTERS register for the Fall 2024Cohort!  ::  Public Meetings

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start or grow your business! Get full details     

  • Grant County CO.STARTERS register for the Fall 2024Cohort!  ::  Public Meetings

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start or grow your business! Get full details     

  • Dr. Joseph Shepard to speak to Rotary   ::  Public Meetings

    Dr. Joseph Shepard, President of Western New Mexico University, will speak to the Rotary Club of Silver City. He will review general matters regarding WNMU and provide a news update about recent events at the university. Full press release     

    Location  WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria

  • Grant County Republican Party Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Norm Wheeler will be speaking and it will be a potluck See press release and flyer       

    Location  Republican Party Headquarters

  • Jessica Salaiz of Big Brothers Big Sisters to Speak at PFLAG Meeting  ::  Public Meetings

    Jessica Salaiz, the new program specialist for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), will be the guest speaker at the PFLAG Silver City monthly meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 3845 N. Swan. The public is invited, and light refreshments will ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • Grant County CO.STARTERS register for the Fall 2024Cohort!  ::  Public Meetings

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start or grow your business! Get full details     

  • Grant County CO.STARTERS register for the Fall 2024Cohort!  ::  Public Meetings

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start or grow your business! Get full details     

  • Silver City MainStreet Project/Arts & Cultural District  ::  Public Meetings

    We are headed into Fall with a great line up of Festivals and Fun in Silver City. This month we are going to feature two such events with the women who keep them going. Full press release     

    Location  Silco Theater

  • Lotus Center hosting a weekly Caregivers Support Group  ::  Public Meetings

    As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age, the number of caregivers experiencing these challenges will continue to rise. Most of these caregivers are daughters or sons who live near their parents; these adult children provide, on average, 24 hours ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • Grant County CO.STARTERS register for the Fall 2024Cohort!  ::  Public Meetings

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start or grow your business! Get full details     

  • Unitarian Universalist Flower Ceremony  ::  Public Meetings

    The Flower Ceremony is a special Unitarian Universalist "ritual" in an organization that doesn't have traditional sacraments. Rev. Mana'ar Johnson will explain the inspiring history behind the ceremony, begun by a European minister who died in a concentration camp. Full press ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • Lotus Center hosting a weekly Caregivers Support Group  ::  Public Meetings

    As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age, the number of caregivers experiencing these challenges will continue to rise. Most of these caregivers are daughters or sons who live near their parents; these adult children provide, on average, 24 hours ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • Climate Emergency Legislative Action Committee   ::  Public Meetings

    The Climate Emergency Legislative Action Committee meets every 2nd Thursday at the Unitarian Universalist Church activities room at 3845 North Swan Street. All legislative information, sample letters, and writing materials will be provided.    

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

    Contact  Shannon Cimarron at

  • Spectacular Superhero Family Fit Fest soaring into Bataan Park  ::  Public Meetings

    Join us for a day where fitness meets fun, capes are optional, but smiles are mandatory! Our 2nd annual event is more than just a race; it's aFUN-draiser extravaganza featuring; Family Fun Run10K - 5K that will have you leaping ...   

    Location  Bataan Memorial Park

  • Lotus Center hosting a weekly Caregivers Support Group  ::  Public Meetings

    As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age, the number of caregivers experiencing these challenges will continue to rise. Most of these caregivers are daughters or sons who live near their parents; these adult children provide, on average, 24 hours ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • Daughters of the American Revolution present Thomas E. Chávez  ::  Public Meetings

    Learn how other countries (and Patriots in what is now New Mexico), contributed to America's Independence. Thomas E. Chávez is a New Mexico native and historian. He was the director of the Palace of the Governors State History Museum in ...   

    Location  Murray Hotel

  • Renowned NM Native, Historian And Author To Speak In Silver City  ::  Public Meetings

    Silver City Jacob Bennett Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is pleased to present an educational program by Thomas E. Chávez, PhD. Dr. Chávez will speak on "Spain and the World War that Resulted in the Independence ...   

    Location  Murray Hotel

  • Lotus Center hosting a weekly Caregivers Support Group  ::  Public Meetings

    As the Baby Boomer generation continues to age, the number of caregivers experiencing these challenges will continue to rise. Most of these caregivers are daughters or sons who live near their parents; these adult children provide, on average, 24 hours ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

October, 2024
  • WNMU Remembrance March-Walk for the Heroes  ::  Public Meetings

    Vietnam Veterans Chapter 358 - Fort Bayard New Mexico Bataan Memorial Park - Start walking at 10:00 am See flyer for event     

    Location  Bataan Memorial Park

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