barbara bush1649Barbara lives near Silver City with her husband of 38 years. She is the proud mother of three children and has five grandchildren.

Barbara Bush is grounded in family and tradition with a strong work ethic. As a doer, she believes in building on what works and looks for opportunities to improve areas that are not working. Through Barbara’s careers in business and academia, she fought to make sure people got the support and resources they needed and aims to do the same for District 4 residents.

Barbara has a degree in Behavioral Sciences with a minor in business. This has assisted her greatly throughout her career. She is always looking at the big picture, connecting the dots, and always believes in doing the right thing, even if it’s not the easy thing. She is a strong believer in supporting the community, and is active in her Church Fellowship, where she offers her services and expertise in, among other things, technology, and teaches strength and flexibility classes to its members.

When asked what her top priorities are, she said “A holistic approach needs to be taken…
• Healthcare, affordable - low-income housing, seniors and those with special needs, jobs, as well as adult education and building our communities.
• Working cooperatively to ensure that as a community we are doing our best to grow and support the people and communities we serve.
• There is a need to work with businesses, including the hospital and HMS to improve health care access and choices. and to work with our big and small businesses. I commit to working closely with Gila Regional Medical Center, Freeport McMoran and WNMU to find ways that the business, healthcare, and education entities can prosper while supporting the citizens of Grant County.
• Barbara understands the value of working land and the importance of the work and traditions of our ranchers, so collaboration with them to better their outcomes is also a priority.
• Within education, exploring vocational training is vital to our community. Helping to keep our youth in the community and thriving is critical. Using what is taught in the High Schools such as healthcare skills, culinary arts, FFA and technical skills that could transfer into vocational programs, as well as having strong academic preparation is key to pursuing lives and careers that are fulfilling; and sustaining. These types of programs could also assist adults improve their life.
• When it comes to safety, developing and expanding relationships with all branches of local and statewide government is necessary, as is ensuring our city and county officers have the most up to date training. We also need to work with law enforcement agencies to have training for school personnel and business owners on how best to handle situations from a minor disagreement to an active shooter situation.
• The empowerment of women is very important to Barbara. “I believe that women need to know that they deserve to be treated with respect at all times and they also deserve the same pay and benefits as their male counterparts.”

Most importantly, Barbara wants to hear from the people of District 4 and Grant County on how she can help them. Listening is the only real way to know what Grant County District 4 needs.

For more information message Barbara at: or

Barbara will be a Commissioner who collaborates and negotiates for the sake of community projects big and small that move Grant County forward, and for a county budget that is responsible, and ultimately works for you.

Barbara Bush is a doer and has a strong background in strategic thinking, creative planning, and in effective,
collaborative execution.

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