[Editor's Note: This is the third of a series of articles on the July 9, 2024, Grant County Commission work session. It covers a presentation and discussion on the county ICIP. ]

By Mary Alice Murphy

At the July 9, 2024 Grant County Commission work session, then-Planning Director Randy Hernandez presented the draft ICIP (infrastructure capital improvement plan). Only items on the ICIP are eligible for funding by the New Mexico Legislature, and also for other funding opportunities.

Hernandez noted that the document was due to the state on Friday, July 12, so a decision would have to be made at the regular meeting on July 11, 2024.

County Manager Charlene Webb noted that the No. 10 item, Southwest Regional Behavioral Health Center was a placeholder for when funding is available. "It's a big ticket item, so it's in the top 10. I think it's a more feasible way to go rather than expecting Gila Regional to reinstate its behavioral health unit."

She also noted that No. 11 had come as a request from the Sheriff's Department for "equipment and enhancements. They need a 3-D laser scanner and new vehicles."

District 4 Commission Billy Billings noted No. 1 on the list is for a Detention Center retrofit.

Hernandez said the jail wanted to enclose the medical section for security, as well as having an area to keep detainees for security purposes.

District 2 Commissioner Eloy Medina asked if the regional water project should be on the ICIP.

Webb replied that it could be added, "but we as a county have no water customers."

Medina said he would talk to the chair of the Water Commission, Alex Brown, to get exact language.

District 1 Commissioner and Chair Chris Ponce asked about the No. 2 airport parking lot improvements.

"We've applied used millings, but it needs to be a better surface for people who are pulling their luggage," Webb replied.

Billings asked about No. 7, the Cliff-Gila Community Park improvements and No. 9, Grant County road improvements.

Hernandez said No. 7 includes improvements for the Gila Community Center and a new field in Cliff. No. 9 lists all the county roads and if funding is received, it will be used for maintenance.

Webb said the county will receive its usual road funding, but this request would give the county funding for a match, as well extra for significant needs. "In some places, we will have to do new construction, not just band-aids. A year ago, we identified $40 million in road needs."

Billings agreed with the need. "I think sometimes they can't keep up with the almost 700 miles of roads, and sometimes, they just quit."

Ponce asked about No. 3, the Bataan Memorial Park drainage improvements. "We've put almost $8 million already into Bataan. I need to get with Jason (Lockett, then facilities supervisor) to find out what we really need and maybe put it further down in the list and go for CDBG (community development block grant) funding. Maybe it's time to reorganize and determine what is important to get done."

At the regular meeting, Ponce noted that the regional water plan had been added as No. 16 on the list.

Commissioners approved the 2026-30 ICIP, as amended. Please see the PDF below.

To read the previous articles, please visit https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-articles/grant-county-commission-holds-work-session-070924-part-1; and https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-articles/grant-county-commission-holds-work-session-070924-part-2