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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}By Roger Lanse
Silver City Fire Department personnel from Stations1 and 2 responded to an alarm Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025, at about 7:25 p.m,. at the Silver City Care Center on Fowler Avenue. According to SCFD staff, the alarm was triggered by smoke detector activation in the kitchen.
When firefighters from Station 2 (32nd Street) arrived three minutes after being paged out and six minutes after for Station 1 (Hudson Street), they reported there was no fire or smoke. Care Center staff advised a staff member was using a leaf blower to clean the kitchen and that set off the smoke detector.
Immediately after engines from both stations arrived, the response was cancelled due to the false alarm.
[Editor's Note: This is part 3 of the Grant County Commission January 7, 2025 work session, which continues the county reports from department heads.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The Grant County Emergency Manager Scot Fuller presented the next county report at the Commission work session on Jan. 7, 2025.
He welcomed the new commissioners, District 3 Nancy Stephens, District 4 Eddie Flores and District 5 Thomas Shelley.
Traffic Alert – Roadway closure expected to last 30 minutes
SILVER CITY - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District One, in partnership with Mountain States Constructors, Inc., is widening U.S. 180 from a 2-lane to a 4-lane road from Bayard to Hurley.
Crews have planned a rock blast for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 12 p.m. U.S. 180 will be closed from Lusk St. to the Bayard Cemetery at milepost 125.8. Please expect delays. This closure is expected to last 30 minutes but no longer than 1 hour.
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
At 11 a.m. on a sunny, cool winter day, Jan. 15, 2025, a group of about 20 international students, as well as more students and staff members gathered on Regents' Square at Western New Mexico University to support and thank President Joseph Shepard for all he has done for every one of them and for all students and staff.
The main organizer was one of the Vivanco sisters from Mexico. She thanked Shepard for their opportunity to attend college and develop careers. She said that she had already been working, as a housekeeper, and in excellent English, she said she loved the WNMU International Students Club. "I've met people from all over the world—yes, Mexico, but also Argentina, Brazil and Spain and others."
Below is the poster by students, including international students, for rally, supporting President Joseph Shepard at 11 a.m. Today. Wednesday morning, Jan. 15, 2025 at Regent's Square!
[Editor's Note: This is part 2 of the Commission January 7, 2025 work session, which continues the county reports from department heads.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The next county report at the Jan. 7, 2025 Grant County Commission work session came from the Detention Center Administrator Joseph Andazola. He described his role this way: "I'm the one that administrates operations of the detention center. Operations of the detention center is a quite significant effort that takes a lot of teamwork and communications.The Grant County jail can hold up to 95 detainees. Over the last year, though, we've reported numbers up to 100 and 110 sometimes. Currently today, our population is 88. As of Dec.31 2024, the population was 90 detainees, with an average population in December of 89. I'm also in charge of 35 county employees, which consists of 22 detention officers, four corporals, four sergeants, a lieutenant of operations, a lieutenant of administration, a training sergeant, an executive assistant, and also a part-time presumptive eligibility coordinator. The coordinator determines if each inmate has current insurance or if they qualify for insurance."
By Lynn Janes
The town of Hurley held a regular meeting December 10, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, Mayor Pro Tem Reynaldo Maynes, and Councilors Nanette Day, Keana Huerta and Pete Ordonez.
The council approved the consent agenda which included regular meeting minutes November 12, 2024, maintenance department report, deputy clerks' report, fire department report, animal control report, code enforcement report and library report
Traffic Alert – Roadway closure expected to last 30 minutes
SILVER CITY - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District One, in partnership with Mountain States Constructors, Inc., is continuing with the widening of U.S. 180 from a 2-lane to a 4-lane road from Bayard to Hurley.
Crews have planned a rock blast for Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 12 p.m. The January 14, 2025, blast has been cancelled. U.S. 180 will be closed from Lusk St. to the Bayard Cemetery at milepost 125.8. Please expect delays. This closure is expected to last 30 minutes but no longer than 1 hour.
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