We're giving our staff a break this week; we won't be sending a newsletter again until Sunday's Calendar mailing. We wish you and yours safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving!
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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}By Lynn Janes
The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) held a public meeting in Hurley on October 30, 2024, to provide information to the residents on the highway project starting to widen the road from Bayard to the railroad track in Hurley.
Aaron Chavarria, district engineer NMDOT, said they would be answering any questions the public might have. He introduced the team that would be working on the project. He also introduced Chris Catlin, the project manager for Mountain States Constructors, the firm doing the construction of the new highway.
ALERT – Deming Area
Intersection of NM 11 "Columbus Hwy" & NM 427 " Florida St." traffic light is currently not working. The intersection is set into in 4-way stop operation and the pedestrian crossing signal is also out. The Santa Fe signal lab has been contacted and repairs should be made soon.
By Lynn Janes
The Village of Santa Clara held a regular meeting October 24, 2024. Mayor Arnold Lopez called the meeting to order. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza, and Trustees Peter Erickson, and Ralph Trujillo attended. Olga Amador did not attend.
Mayors report
Lopez addressed the need to have a variance hearing scheduled before November 14, 2024. Yvonne Gonzales, village attorney, said they could do it before the next meeting on November 14, 2024, at 5:30.
By Lynn Janes
On October 24, 2024, the commission held a regular meeting at the city annex building.
Raymond De La Vega, Stantec project manager, had an update on the project. They will be working on the basis of design report and laying out the alignment.
The survey has been almost completed except two small segments. They should have that from their department next week. The engineers have continued to work on the EPS model. That would be the extended period simulation about the chlorine residual water age. They need two more components that they expect to have from John Shoemaker the following week. Stantec has also been compiling historical well data on some of the wells at Santa Clara and Hurley.
By Roger Lanse
A party that got out of hand seems to be the source of several calls to Grant County Regional Dispatch Authority reporting shots fired in the area of Shady Grove and Canal Street on Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024, at about 1:35 a.m. According to a Silver City Police Department incident report, officers responded quickly to the area and to a white Ford vehicle behind the SCPD with a victim.
The victim, Alix Rivera, 18, of Bayard, was bleeding from his right cheek and answered in the affirmative when asked by officers if he had been shot. The driver of the vehicle, Miguel Misquez, 40, of Bayard, told officers he and his friends were at the party when a fight broke out, and to his knowledge, the only person with a handgun at the party was a juvenile, WL.
By Frost McGahey
According to the Silver City Daily Press, "The general election was noteworthy for several reasons – record-breaking early voting turnout, high voter turnout in general, and a banner night for Republicans in a historically Democratic county, sweeping contested races."
Eddie Flores kept Billy Billings seat Republican, Tom Shelley flipped Harry Browne's from Progressive to Republican, and Norm Wheeler soundly beat Democrat Michael Renteria. Luis Terrazas won his race, and Gabe Ramos flipped Siah Hemphill's seat back to Republican.
What happened in local races make the Trump results curious.
Silver City council invited to flag raising
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting October 22, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano, Rudy Bencomo, Nicholas Prince and Stan Snider.
By Lynn Janes
The town of Hurley held a regular meeting October 23, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, councilors Nanette Day, Reynaldo Maynes, Keana Huerta and Pete Ordonez.
The council approved resolution 8-2024/2025 to participate in the local government road fund program. George Esqueda said they would have to use a different contractor for the project. D and M Paving had not been on the approved list with the state. He recommended an extension for time. Stevens thanked Esqueda for catching the problem. He spoke to them about pulling three different grants together to do the project all at once and save on mobilization for each one and just pay once.
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