Monday, Dec. 11

Welfare check
Hideaway Lane
A named female is a customer at Wells Fargo and advised she is going to kill herself. Deputy made contact with the female and she doesn't want to harm herself.

Stolen motor vehicle
Flury Lane – Arenas Valley
No report.

Welfare check
Highway 180 – Cliff
Black pickup in the driveway/female told caller she is extremely depressed/neighbor told caller the vehicle hasn't moved in a few days/female going through a divorce. Caller called back stating he got a hold of the female and she is doing fine.

70 Truck Bypass – Peaceful Trailer Park
Male tried to get violent with park manager/male left in a vehicle.

Unwanted subject
11820 Highway 180
Caller stated a male went in to use the phone and on his way out he tried to steal a pair of sunglasses/they want him removed from the property/he is sitting on a bench in front. Deputy dropped off male at the intersection of Corbin and Silver Heights.

Tuesday, Dec. 12

Welfare check
Grandview Road
Caller from Pecos Cyber School advised a 14-year-old male student has had 27 absences in a row/want to know if he is okay and if he still lives at the same address or is enrolled in another school. Deputy advised everything is okay.

Peterson Drive
Caller advised they just saw on their cameras that at 4:46 p.m. someone rang their doorbell/then multiple subjects went to the back of their house/not sure if they made entry into the home/want it checked. Deputy requesting someone from one of the glass companies will be able to send someone after hours to board up a . . .

Welfare check
Crum and Racetrack roads
¼ mile down Crum Road a white Dodge pickup on side of road/appears to be on/not sure if it's broke down. Deputy had negative contact.

Welfare check
Western Drive
Mother-in-law not answering her phone/was sending messages stating she was going to take pills/last spoke with her last night. Deputy advised female is okay.

Wednesday, Dec.13

Unwanted subject
Goathead Path – Arenas Valley
Third party states a named male has a CTW for this residence/he is no longer there.

Aggravated assault
T Bar T -- Redrock
Advised his neighbor pulled a gun on caller/he will be in a white crew-cab 4wd pickup headed toward Silver.

Welfare check
Hooker Loop -- Gila
Deputy advised children were trying to ping a phone/believe that it's pinging for that/everything is okay.

Rosedale Road
U-Haul stolen since the 8th or 9th of this month.

Bonita Drive
Caller advised his neighbor is banging on the door and windows.

Welfare check
Mineral and Maple streets – Bayard
Caller advised the house is supposed to be vacant/he can see the door is wide open. Deputy checked all vacant houses/negative contact.

Thursday, Dec. 14

Welfare check
Highway 35 – Upper Mimbres
Caller advised a 74-year-old male lives across the street and has had his personal things like wallet and ID cards stolen/thinks he has an altered state of mind. Deputy advised everything is okay.

Prescott Street – Santa Clara
Caller advised a named male is fighting with one of his neighbors. Dispatch can hear subjects in the background yelling very loudly. Second caller advised the male tried to get physical with him. Original caller called back advising the male is in an apartment banging on the walls.

Domestic disturbance
Cuprite Court – Tyrone
17-year-old male caller advising he and his dad got into a fist fight/stated his father pushed him up against the wall and choked him/his father has anger issues and caller is concerned for his younger siblings. Caller stated his mother tried to stop the altercation/was not . . .

Unwanted subject
Rio de Arenas Road
A named male is refusing to leave/he is pushing her and yelling. Deputy made contact with caller who advised everything was verbal/male left home to his own property.

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