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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Monday, Mar. 4
Little Walnut Road – 3:29 a.m.
Son broke a window and took off/unknown where he went. Deputy has contact.
Unwanted subject
Little Walnut Road – 5:53 a.m.
Caller stated after deputies took son to be medically evaluated he has come back.
Criminal trespass warning
Little Walnut Road – 10:05 a.m.
Advised (redacted) is outside and he has a CTW. Deputy investigating.
Monday, Mar. 4
Welfare check
420 E. 12th Street
Stated he can hear two males and a female screaming and yelling. Officer advised in the ditch.
1007 Pope Street
Advised their building has been tagged. Officer investigating.
Louisiana Street
Caller advised a named 32-year-old male advised he was just in a fight and is now having trouble breathing/male says someone shot him with a paintball gun/doesn't know who. Officer advised victim is bleeding from the outside of his ear and has pain in the kidney area/officer investigating a named male.
WNMU to Host Music Workshop for Active Military, Veterans and Families
SILVER CITY, NM - For the first time, Western New Mexico University will be hosting a free, day-long song writing workshop for active and retired military, veterans and their spouses. The event, which will take place on April 13, is sponsored by WNMU Cultural Affairs and New Mexico Arts, and it is brought to campus by the Center for American Military Music Opportunities (CAMMO), a Washington, DC, area non-profit organization dedicated to providing music-based therapeutic programming for service members, veterans and their families. CAMMO also provides training and education in music industry career opportunities.
Cathie Lechareas, the co-founder and executive director of CAMMO, said that the organization's mission is especially needed in today's world. "In a world of wars that last decades," she said, "hundreds of thousands of military men and women who serve our country make sacrifices for our security and endure injuries to both their bodies and their spirits. Additionally, many delay developing their musical interests and talent and miss important early milestones in a music career."
The regular monthly board meeting of the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District will be held Monday March 18, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the NRCS Building; 3082 32nd Street Bypass; Suite C; Silver City, NM 88061.  The meeting is open to the public.
To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call 575-388-1569 or email
Facility to Increase Recreational Opportunities for Youth, Veterans and Seniors
Silver City -- Groundbreaking for the new community recreation center at the corner of Silver and 32nd streets will take place at 9:00 am, Friday, March 8. Lieutenant Governor Howie Morales will speak, along with Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner. Local elected officials, representatives from the architectural firm, students, members of the community steering committee, and others will be on hand to mark the occasion.
Mayor Ladner, who is credited with initiating the development of the new rec center, expressed his appreciation for everyone who's been involved in bringing this project to fruition.Â
Lake Roberts campgrounds first to open March 11
SILVER CITY, NM, March 7, 2024 – The Gila National Forest offers dozens of campgrounds to support recreational camping. Many of these sites are open year-round. A few are closed or have water systems shut off during the winter season, and those are preparing to open for camping.
On the Silver City Ranger District, Iron Creek, McMillan, and Cherry Creek campgrounds have been reopened after temporary closure due to ice hazard. At Lake Roberts, the Mesa Campground and Upper End Campground will open for business March 11. At Quemado Lake, Pinon and Juniper campgrounds will open for the season May 10. At Snow Lake, the Dipping Vat Campground is open, but the water system will not be turned on until early May, depending on weather conditions. Access to Willow Creek and Ben Lilly campgrounds is currently difficult due to wet, muddy, rutted roads.
Ambercare and the Silver City Womans Club are starting a bereavement group for the community. This group will be free and open to the public, no prior relationship with Ambercare is necessary to participate. Our first meeting will be March 11th from 1:00-2:00 with consecutive meetings the second Monday of every month.Â
See pdf flyer below
The Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend the March 2024 Chamber Luncheon with our featured guest speaker, Julie Halbig, Director of Compliance, and Initiatives at the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority. The topic of Julie's presentation will be "All Things Housing for Low- and Moderate-Income New Mexicans".
The luncheon will take place on Thursday, March 7, 2024, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Grant County Veteran's Memorial Business and Conference Center.
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