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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Friday, Mar. 8
Domestic disturbance
Country Club Drive
Caller advised a third party and his girlfriend were fighting/does not believe it is physical at this time/he would like girlfriend removed from home. Deputy advised on scene.
Welfare check
Loma Verde Drive – Arenas Valley
Caller advising the property belongs to her father who has passed away and she keeps getting a water bill that is continuously increasing/wants to make sure no one is living on the property.
Accident-property damage
SW Horseman's Park
Walk-in advised it took place on Monday/needs crash report that occurred on 3/4/24.
Friday, Mar. 8
3018 32nd Street Bypass – CYFD
Advised they have a child who is being aggressive toward the workers/cussing and slamming doors. Can hear female in background arguing with caller. Officer advised the juvie to keep it down for the night/everything else is okay.
Kidder Road
Caller from Homeland Security advised a named female is an informant and is getting threats from a male she dated.
Domestic disturbance
Bandoni Drive
Walk-in advised this is in progress/daughter is involved/male is threatening to take the kids and a vehicle which does not belong to him.
The Grant Soil and Walter Conservation District will hold a work session to attend a webinar on funding opportunities. It will be held on March 13, 2024 at the Grant County Extension Office, 2610 N. Silver Street, Silver City NM 88061 beginning at 8:00 a.m. It will be projected via Zoom. The link to register individually is: Region III work session: March 13
The meeting is for informational purposes and discussion only. No formal action will be taken.  The meeting is open to the public. To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call 575-388-1569 or email
March 17, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountain Region"
 Samantha Fields will be presenting on behalf of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City on Sunday, March 17th at 10 a.m. She is an RaÃz Organizing Specialist with Planned Parenthood in Las Cruces where she does community outreach about the services provided at the newly opened health center, works with students organizing on NMSU's campus, and is now expanding her scope of advocacy into other parts of Southern New Mexico, including Silver City. She'll be speaking on reproductive justice, how the state of New Mexico is supporting it, and ways you can join the cause. Free Planned Parenthood swag will also be provided at the service.
Friday, March 15, 2024, 7:00 pm: "Phylogenetics & Population Genomics in the Milkwort genus Hebecarpa (Polygalaceae)" – presentation by Christopher, a PhD candidate at The University of Texas at El Paso's Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program
The Gila Native Plant Society is sponsoring this program for lovers of botany. Christopher Muñoz will discuss his research into the evolution of the Milkwort genus (Hebecarpa), a group of mostly mountain-dwelling plants. The habitat affinities and character traits of plants in this genus can allow us to better understand patterns of evolution as well as millions of years of paleoclimate history in North America.Â
Southwest Word Fiesta is pleased to offer a writer's workshop with author, poet, teacher, and writing guide Catharine Murray at the Tranquilbuzz Casita on Wednesday, March 13th 1:30-2:30 pm. Murray's workshop titled "Writing to Heal" examines how to combine memory, stress, and story to develop the essential art of self-compassion.Â
 She will draw from her work Now You See the Sky (Akashic Books 2018), a memoir about love, motherhood, and loss originating with her experience working in a refugee camp along the banks of the Mekong River. Murray married a local man, had three sons, and was deeply affected by her five-year old son's cancer diagnosis and eventual loss.Â
Murray writes, "We often want to suppress or hide from the painful experiences of our lives. However, it is often these experiences that breed compassion for ourselves and others by increasing our sensitivity and heightening our awareness of environment and psyche. Sometimes it is this very combination that starts us down the path of a writing life. We can use our acute sense of detail and drama to drive the emotional power of our stories."Â
The next meeting of the Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregivers group will be March 28th, 5 p.m. at Cross Point Church on Hiwy 180 E.. Our speaker will be Sophia Whiting, Hospice community liaison. Her topic will be" Hospice--Myths & Facts." Questions? Call Linda Brake 575-590-1499.
Bayard Police Department
Monday, Mar. 4
Criminal damage to property
Snell Middle School
The gate behind the school on the practice field has been damaged. Officer investigating.
Tuesday, Mar. 5
N. Railroad Street
Caller advised a subject is trying to walk out with a hand-held torch/just walked out of the house with it/told caller she would meet officers at the PD. Officer advised negative contact at PD/en route to another address.
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