This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
State and Federal partners coordinating to ensure safety and access to water
SANTA FE, N.M. –The Office of the State Engineer and the Interstate Stream Commission, along with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Bureau of Reclamation, continue to work closely together to manage Rio Grande water operations and establish a channel for the river after a sediment plug formed in the Rio Chama following an intense rainfall on June 20.
$1.2 Million Allocated to Train up to 93 New Employees Statewide
SANTA FE, N.M. – The New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) approved its monthly allocations of job training funds at the July 2024 Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) board meeting. EDD Acting Secretary Mark Roper announced that eleven companies applied for nearly $1.2 million this month, in preparation for hiring and training up to 93 new employees.
JTIP is a tool used by the state to encourage relocation, growth, and hiring within New Mexico. Companies are reimbursed a percentage of eligible trainee expenses once training has been completed. The reimbursement percentages are designed to incentivize hiring in rural and frontier locations, hiring New Mexico higher education graduates and Veterans, and other criteria. The board meets monthly to approve applications during a public meeting in which companies can provide additional information to back up their request.
Momentum continues as Nella's $2.91 million far outpaces Heinrich's $1.85 million
Albuquerque, NM - Nella Domenici's largest fundraising of any U.S. Senate candidate in New Mexico political history far exceeded Martin Heinrich's second quarter fundraising numbers. Waiting until the very last moment to file and publicize his fundraising numbers, Heinrich posted only $1.85 million, the smallest total for a candidate in any of the competitive U.S. Senate races. Heinrich trails Nella Domenici's $2.91 million raised.
San Mateo Mountains, Magdalena Ranger District
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, July 16, 2024 – This will be the final update for the lightning-caused Fisher Fire within the northwest San Mateo Mountains on the Magdalena Ranger District.
Reported date / time: July 1, 2024 / 1825 Cause: Lightning Strike Size: 8,043 acres
Location: Remote mountainous terrain of northwest San Mateo Mts. on the Magdalena Ranger District – New Mexico on the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands.
Strategy: Confine and contain. Containment: 85%.
Albuquerque, NM, July 15, 2024 – If you are viewing brownish-red discoloration of trees on the eastern slopes of the Sandia Mountains primarily south of the Crest Hwy. (NM-536), it may be the result of defoliation from the Douglas-fir tussock moth. The defoliation occurs within mixed conifer stands affecting Douglas-fir and white fir trees.
To the casual observer, the affected trees may appear to be dying, but those brown branches signal the outbreak of the Douglas-fir tussock moth, a native defoliator whose larvae (i.e., caterpillars) feed on the foliage of a variety of trees species. The caterpillar feeds on the previous year's needles often resulting in defoliation, which weakens affected trees and may be followed by subsequent attacks by bark beetles that may kill the tops or entire trees.
ALBUQUERQUE – Today, Emerge New Mexico, the most successful recruiting and training program to advance the number of Democratic women and non-binary leaders serving in public office in the State, announces the next stage of its evolution with a new Executive Director, Estela Hernandez.
"I am honored and excited to unite my passions, skills, and strengths to lead Emerge New Mexico and make a lasting impact on the representation of women and non-binary individuals in politics," said Estela Hernandez. "Recent events in our county highlight the urgency of addressing systemic inequalities and amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities.
SANTA FE, N.M. – The Bureau of Land Management New Mexico State Office today opened a 30-day public scoping period to receive public input on three oil and gas parcels totaling 1,261 acres that may be included in a May 2025 lease sale in New Mexico. The comment period ends Aug. 14, 2024.
The parcels the BLM is analyzing, as well as maps and instructions on how to comment are available on the BLM's ePlanning website at: .
SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish will begin accepting applications for draw Sandhill crane and pheasant permits beginning July 17 at 10 a.m. ?
Applications can be made through ?your online account ?or by phone at 888-248-6866. The application deadline for draw Sandhill crane and pheasant permits is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14. ?
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