This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.

Amendment to Major Disaster Declaration opens

DUA due to flooding related to South Fork and Salt Fires, and adds Otero County

ALBUQUERQUE – The Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency has issued an amendment adding Otero County and flooding to the notice of Major Disaster Declaration in New Mexico related to South Fork and Salt Fires as declared by the President on June 20, 2024.  

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is available to individuals whose employment or self-employment was lost or interrupted as a direct result of the 2024 Wildfires in the areas of Lincoln County, Otero County, and the Mescalero Apache Tribe. 

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Senator Cliff Pirtle To Introduce Looting Bill During Special Session

Penalties to be increased during emergency incidents such as wildfires

ROSWELL – Today, Senator Cliff Pirtle (R-Roswell), announced his intention to introduce a bill during the public safety special session to increase penalties for looters. The bill would specifically increase penalties for those who loot evacuated businesses or donations in communities affected by emergency declarations. 

Senator Cliff Pirtle issued the following statement regarding his proposal:

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South Fork Fire, Salt Fire Update 6-24-24

Daily Update, Monday, June 24, 2024

Evacuations lifted; Crews mop-up, secure perimeter and conduct structural assessments as weather allows 

Fire Information Phone: 575-323-8378 or 575-323-8258  

Media Information Phone: 575-323-8053 

Phone Line Hours: 8 am – 8 pm 


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Resources available for those impacted by South Fork and Salt fires

State disaster recovery center, 24/7 hotline available to help connect people to resources and answer questions 

SANTA FE, NM – State, federal, local and county agencies are working together to provide resources to those impacted by the South Fork and Salt fires. 

A state Disaster Recovery Center is now open at the Roswell Convention Center and will remain open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Residents can get connected to Disaster Case Management and receive help coordinating both short-term and long-term resources.  

In addition to Disaster Case Management resources, the following state agencies will be at the center to provide help with the following: 

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South Fork Fire, Salt Fire Update 6-23-24

Daily Update, Sunday, June 23, 2024

Community meeting tonight; Fire suppression is ongoing, hazards still present  

Public Information Line: 575-323-8258 or 575-323-8378 

Media Information Line: 575-323-8053 

Phone Line Hours: 8 am – 8 pm 


Acres: South Fork – 17,551; Salt – 7,775

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New Mexico Governor's Special Hunt Auction online

Open now for bids, closes SUNDAY at 6 p.m. MDT

The Department of Game and Fish is auctioning eight premier hunting packages in partnership with New Mexico Ducks Unlimited. Proceeds will benefit the wildlife resources of New Mexico. Hunts to be auctioned include:

Exotics Hunt Package

Coues and Mule Deer HuntsElk Hunts

Pronghorn Hunt

Other great items are also included in the online auction with proceeds benefiting Ducks Unlimited.


South Fork Fire, Salt Fire Update 6-22-24

Daily Update, Saturday, June 22, 2024 

Area closures remain in effect as hazards are assessed and addressed 

Public Information Line: 575-323-8258 or 575-323-8378 

Media Information Line: 575-323-8053 

Phone Line Hours: 8 am – 8 pm 


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Six Counties Receive Risk Awareness Program (RAP) Award

Successfully completing RAP in 2024

SANTA FE, NM – New Mexico Counties recognized six counties with a 2024 Risk Awareness Program (RAP) Award during the 2024 New Mexico Counties 87th Annual Conference on June 19, 2024, in Las Vegas, NM. The RAP is a workplace risk control educational program that aims to reduce the frequency and severity of county claims through better risk awareness and safety practices. Twenty two counties currently participate in the RAP.

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