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By Roger Lanse
On Friday, June 14, 2024, a few minutes after midnight, Grant County Sheriff's Office deputies were dispatched to the area of the Prescott Apartments in Santa Clara to a possible shooting. Residents in the area told deputies they heard about eight or nine gunshots and a vehicle taking off.
According to a GCSO offense report, upon arrival a deputy observed a male standing in the yard at 504 Jaguar Street, Santa Clara, who originally declined to provide any information to the deputy saying, "I am not no snitch." However, later he stated he had been in a fight with another individual and had "beaten that other male subject up." The reporting male said the male he had been fighting with returned with other people and began shooting toward his house and that he heard someone say, "they got shot, but she isn't here anymore."
LANE CLOSUREÂ Silver City Area
NM 90 north and southbound at milepost 26 to milepost 27 all lanes will be closed intermittently with a flagging operation for road maintenance. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and be cautious of personnel and equipment in the area. The closure will be lifted at approximately 3:00 p.m.
To download a PDF of the release, please visit the following link: Freeport-McMoRan Declares Quarterly Cash Dividends on Common Stock
PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Â Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (NYSE: FCX) announced today that its Board of Directors declared cash dividends of $0.15 per share on FCX's common stock payable on August 1, 2024, to shareholders of record as of July 15, 2024. The declaration includes a base dividend of $0.075 per share and variable dividend of $0.075 per share in accordance with FCX's performance-based payout framework. The payment of dividends is at the discretion of the Board, which will consider FCX's financial results, cash requirements, global economic conditions and other factors it deems relevant.
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
Janey Katz, the founder of the 30Something group, which now boasts 92 members, invited members and friends to the annual awards ceremony, held Sunday afternoon, June 23, 2024.
The Commons hosted the event, offering finger foods catered by Tiffany Lindsey.
Katz started off the ceremony giving a bit of background on how she had founded the organization to raise money for local non-profits. The members each donate $1,000 a year, and they vote on which non-profits will receive the awards.
Frost McGahey, Investigative Journalist
In 2016 a bail reform amendment to the constitution was passed. The intention was to reduce the dependency on cash bail, if the defendant was not deemed a flight risk. Supporters contended that poorer individuals could not post bail and were unfairly jailed until trial. The amendment would change pretrial detention decisions to be based on risk rather than financial means.
"'Do you want to hold dangerous people in jail?' one headline read before the vote," Norm Wheeler said, candidate for District Attorney. "Most people I've talked with thought they were voting to make it more difficult for people to be released from jail pending trial. The effect of the amendment was just the opposite and is now called catch and release."
Constitutional Amendment 1: Proposing to amend article 2, section 13 of the constitution of New Mexico to protect public safety by granting courts new authority to deny release on bail pending trial for dangerous defendants in felony cases and to provide for the release of non-dangerous defendants who do not pose a flight risk.
By Roger Lanse
A Silver City Police Department officer was dispatched to 909 N. Hudson Street on Monday, June 17, 2024, at about 5:52 p.m., in relation to a disturbance complaint.
According to an SCPD incident report, when the officer arrived at the address, he found a male, later identified as Todd McCarty, 59, address listed in the report as homeless, who was very irate. The officer gave McCarty commands not to leave, but he began running away from the officer yelling, "Shoot me."
McCarty did stop after additional commands from the officer. The officer drew his taser and told McCarty to relax and cooperate. Shortly after, the report said, other officers arrived to assist. McCarty was subdued by the officers, handcuffed, and placed in a patrol vehicle.
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