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[Editor's Note: This is the fifth of a series of articles on the Grant County Commission work session on March 12, 2024. It begins the review of the March 14, 2024 regular meeting agenda.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
At the Grant County Commissioner March 12, 2024 work session, County Manager Charlene Webb began the review of the March 14, 2024 regular meeting agenda.
Upper Gila River Valley-Southern Gila Foothills/Mimbres Valley-
Southwest Desert/Lower Gila River Valley-Lowlands of the Bootheel-
Uplands of the Bootheel-Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-Eastern
Black Range Foothills-Sierra County Lakes-Northern Dona Ana County-Southern Dona Ana County/Mesilla Valley-West Slopes
Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-Sacramento Mountains Above
7500 Feet-East Slopes Sacramento Mountains Below 7500 Feet-
[Editor's Note: This is the fifth of a series of articles on the Grant County Commission work session on March 12, 2024. It continues the county reports.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The next county report at the Grant County Commission work session on March 12, 2024 came from Planning Director Randy Hernandez.
Current projects include items funded by Colonias:
By Lynn Janes
On March 20, 2024, Representative Luis Terrazas held a town hall meeting at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center. It was one of four town halls he conducted in the county. Previously he had done one in Mimbres and Bayard and the following day he would be in Cliff. He thanked everyone for coming to listen and ask questions. He spoke for an hour and left an hour for questions.
Silver City, NM — Tour of the Gila is the race where young talent gets noticed. Development riders and teams strategically target Tour of the Gila, knowing that a top result in the notoriously challenging American stage race puts athletes among the sport's names to watch. Cases in point: Team California and Milton Women's U23 Project. The U23 men's team is based in the U.S., while the Canadian women's team travels to compete in Tour of the Gila.
Grant County Commission holds work session 031224 part 4
[Editor's Note: This is the fourth of a series of articles on the Grant County Commission work session on March 12, 2024. It continues the county reports.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The next report at the Grant County Commission work session on March 12, 2024 came from Fiscal Services Director Linda Vasquez. She noted the department has issued three RFPs (request for proposal), with the first for the comprehensive plan consultant, which was due March 22, 2024; the second for the brownfields cleanup project for the old jail, due on April 10, 2024; and the last for architectural services, due April 2, 2024.
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